Sylvie Sylveon here! The legendaries of Unova foretell of a time where me and my twin, Sarah, save Unova and Kalos from the forces of opinions and balance... and its happening now, apparently. Follow our adventures in three books of approximately 30-40 chapters each throughout the two "modern" regions, and don't forget to train your Pokemon for the upcoming battle against the evil within the world of Pokemon... SIGN YOUR POKEMON UP FOR THE ADVENTURE TODAY! LET THEM SEE THE GLORIOUS ADVENTURES OF SYLVIE AND SARAH!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Cobalion raced across the wide fields, darting over Unova like a rocket. Virizion and Terrakion followed him, along with a small, blue colt.
Panting, they saw the woods, and darted in.
"Come back here! Help us free all Pokemon!" called a voice from behind them.
"Virizion, use Grass Knot and get rid of our pursuer. Terrakion, put a boulder behind us. Keldeo... use your water-jets to scout for any aerial pursuers and make sure nobody else attacks us. I'll go to our grotto and hide." growled Cobalion.
His three allies nodded, and started to do their jobs.
Virizion ran back, and cried out.
"Yes! Now, come into my Ultra Ball... come on..." snarled the voice.
Virizion pretended to limp, and got close to the grey-robed girl.
"Lemme heal you with my Hyper Potion... get closer.."
Suddenly, Virizion stopped limping, and unleashed a powerful blast of grass, knotting it around his legs and trapping him, squirming in the tall grass.
Hmph. Humans cease to please me. Don't ever, ever try to capture a legendary. said Virizion, using human-speak instead of her usual Pokemon chatter.
Bounding away swiftly, Virizion signaled to Terrakion to push the boulder in place.
"Grr...." growled Terrakion, nodding.
He charged up to a nearby boulder, and started to push quickly.
Push... push... push... there. A boulder blocked the girl's path, and she lay there, squirming, like a worm that couldn't get back in its hole.
Keldeo stopped his patrol, and leapt over the boulder, chewing off the grass knot.
"Don't you dare follow us again, bad girl--Aah!"
"Keldeo, no!" screamed the Musketeer Trio, but it was too late.
A Net Ball plopped down on the grass, a click sound played, and the girl sneered.
"Too late, musketeers, I've got Keldeo and now we can capture the legendary Zekrom with it!"
"No! Let-go-of-Keldeo!" cried Terrakion, running forward.
"Terrakion, don't do it! We must free Keldeo later!" cried Cobalion.
Again, too late.
"Hmph. Our Lord will be happy with two of the four Musketeers."
As swift as a Speed Deoxys, the girl threw a Timer Ball, and hit Terrakion.
"Nooo!" screeched Terrakion, and scrabbled at the grass as he shrunk into the ball.
Yet another painful click, and the girl cackled.
"Goodbye... for now..."
Taking off his grey robes, she revealed a robotic body and disappeared just as it was exposed.
"No..I can't believe it..." sighed Cobalion, padding away.
Virizion tried to soothe him.
"Cody, its okay. The Sylveons of the prophecy will heal this, even if they can summon the Life and Destruction Pokemon." replied Virizion.
The two sad legendaries faded into the forest.

Author's Note: If you haven't noticed, this is a combination of fanfic, the video games Pokemon Black and Black 2, and the anime. Enjoy.

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