"Shiro, use Moonlight!" cried Zachary.
"With pleasure." replied the shiny Umbreon, tone as smooth as silk.
His body rings started to glow, and a corona of sparkles surrounded him. His eyes flashed several times. Shiro's scratches healed, and his energy was reinvigorated.
"Stop him, Venipede! Use Bug Bite!" ordered their foe.
"Like I didn't already know.“ muttered Venipede.
Just as Shiro finished Moonlight, Venipede tackled Shiro and bit him all over, trying to find the sensitive spots.
"Augh!" cried Shiro.
"Hang in there, Shiro! Try using Dig on Venipede!" advised Zachary.
Despite being inside an office complex, Shiro dug into the floor with confounding speed. Soon, all that was left was a hole.
"Dangit! Venipede, flush Umbreon out with Toxic!" growled their foe.
Venipede, simply not very loyal to its trainer, just sat there and did nothing.
”Do it, or I won't let you play Minecraft!"
"Fine, sir." hissed Venipede. Half-heartedly, it started to move, but before that could revert into a move, Shiro came up underneath Venipede and tackled it.
When the dust cleared, Venipede was down for the count.
"No!" cried their foe.
"Challenger Zachary wins. Jester Maxwell, please take your Pokemon to the infirmary in the Gym."
"Yes!" cheered Zach.
Venipede retreated to its Pokeball, and Maxwell ran out through a side doorway,slipping through the honey.
As Shiro headed back to Zachary's side, Sylvie smiled nervously.
"Great job, Shiro! I like how Venipede went like 'I hate my job' and you went like BAM!" she congratulated.
Shiro smiled, and his rings flashed.
"Thanks, Syl. Me and Zach worked super duper hard on that technique! Like you and Lindsey do that sorta thing!"
Quickly seeing the hurt in Sylvie's eyes, Shiro reassuringly clapped her on the back.
"Oh, come on. I was just teasing you, Syl! Why would I ever hurt or be sarcastic to you?"
Sylvie tried a faux laugh. Shiro frowned, but continued.
"Still, you boosted my self-esteem. Most girls just tease me to death. Thank you."
Sylvie made a poker face, but on the inside she was smiling. Her feelers wrapped around Shiro, gave him a squeeze, then wafted by her side.
Zachary and Lindsey were already making for the honey doorway leading to Burgh's room.
As they followed their masters, Sarah laughed.
"Sylvie, come on. If you're trying to flirt, you're obviously horrid at that. Just stay calm and let our trainers do the labor, m'kay?" assured her sister.
"If only it were that simple..." muttered Sylvie.
Glancing into Sarah's eyes, she saw more sadness than she anticipated. Her seashell necklace jangled on her neck, in a sort of hollow harmony with her heartbeat and movement. A deep, deep sadness inhabited her conscience, although she was trying hard to hide it.
Sylvie recognized that melancholy.
She saw it whenever she looked in a mirror.
Sylvie glanced at Shiro.
The shiny Umbreon seemed to be wondering about his very existence at the moment, his yellow eyes engaged in a blank, unseeing stare. He walked in the same manner as Sylvie and Sarah, trying to prance around and be jolly, but was secretly harboring a deep, unbearable sadness he tried to hide.
Had truth and ideals start to clash? If so, Sylvie wanted Sarah to be at her side, but a feeling told her that that was as likely as Delphox's stick going out.
"I wonder if we'll, one day, have our descendants see the children the Kalos Professor, Sycamore, sends out. Maybe, they will." Sylvie wondered aloud.
She was yanked back to earth with her "family" skidding to a stop.
Burgh stood on his platform, facing them.
"Ah, the marvel of two trainers! I'll be ready to paint your portrait at a minute's notice, so please stand still. Good! Now, I rarely get a party of challengers, so I'll willingly double battle this time, but I only have three Pokemon with me, so it may be 2 on 1 at one point."
Although Burgh had a slight Kalos accent that slowed his speech down, he still overwhelmed Sylvie with information. She didn't like people who flew from Point A to Point Z in a single bound.
Sylvie, Sarah and Shiro receded into a corner as Burgh sent out Whirlipede and Swadloon, and both Lindsey and Zachary sent out Dewott and Snivy.
"Two starters! So you're bearers of the Pokedex, ya. I take it you needed permission to leave Nuvema Town from your families, and needed a Pokemon to protect you. I have no idea why the professors send out mere children to collect important scientific information, but that's no matter of the Gym Leader Association. Swadloon, use String Shot! Whirlipede, use Rollout! Be sure not to hit the challengers!"
Whirlipede and Swadloon complied, obviously used to fighting alongside Burgh.
"Dewott, use Razor Shell to cut the string shot! Snivy, dodge the Rollout!" said Zachary and Lindsey in unison.
"Jinx." muttered Zachary.
Dewott lunged forward, but before he could withdraw his shells and cut the string, Swadloon held him down in good time. Dewott was soon wrapped in white, sticky filaments, looking like a mummy that freshly emerged from a Cofagrigus.
Snivy wasn't so lucky. Trying to dodge out of the way, the Grass-Type snagged onto Dewott's heap of string, and was soon stuck to Dewott's back. Whirlipede rolled over them with ease, leaving a large cut in Snivy's chest and a struggling Dewott.
"No!" cursed Zachary. "Dewott, hang in there!"
"Snivy, use Leaf Tornado to counter that devastating attack!" cried Lindsey.
"Roger." replied the snobby snake.
Snivy twirled around as Whirlipede and Swadloon congratulated themselves, and took Dewott with her.
"MmmmmFFMmMMMMmm!" protested Dewott, which probably meant: "Get your filthy hands off of me, fiend!"
Soon, Snivy and the wrapped Dewott were merely blurs, spinning around in a cyclone of leaves. Snivy made one last round, then launched the tornado at the Bug-Types.
The large cyclone slammed into them just as they listened for Burgh's orders, and shoved them into the wall, where they left large indentations in the honey and cement.
"Swadloon, Whirlipede, its not over! Swadloon, use Leaf Blade on Dewott! Whirlipede, barrel over Snivy with a good Flame Charge!"
They nodded in unison, and launched their next volley of attacks.
Vomit seeped from Dewott's filaments, but nevertheless the now-Confused Dewott broke free of his bonds.
Snivy quickly followed up with Vine Whip, catching Swadloon and slamming the Pokemon into the ceiling before Swadloon could use Leaf Blade.
"Swadloon has fainted!" cried the referee.
Swadloon receded into his ball, and Leavanny replaced it.
"Swadloon, you did wonderful. Leavanny, you can do it!"
Leavanny appeared, and smiled, as if to suggest she were about to weave them some clothes instead of wallop them to Kingdom Come.
"Snivy, use Wrap on Leavanny! Dewott, use Water Gun to counter the Flame Charge!" cried Lindsey and Zach.
Snivy and Dewott quickly nodded, then did their moves.
While a flaming Whirlipede was held back by an incredible jet of water, Snivy wrapped its vines around Levanny, who struggled, then started to glow.
Lindsey's eyes were full of fear for Snivy as she realized what was about to happen.
"Snivy! Get out of there!" she screamed.
A white, sparkling beam slammed into Snivy, pushing it right into the honeycombed wall. Hundreds of pounds of honey collapsed onto Snivy.
"Snivy is out of the count..."
Suddenly, a glow penetrated the honey, and a shape underneath it started to wriggle.
"What is happening?" cried the referee.
In the blink of an eye, an elegant Servine emerged from the pile of honey and crashed into Leavanny, who screeched and landed next to Burgh, down for the count.
Burgh quickly had Leavanny return to its Pokeball while Whirlipede was overcome by the water and also having to retreat.
"Leavanny and Whirlipede are down for the count! The challengers, Lindsey and Zachary, win!" the referee shouted.
"YES!" cried Lindsey and Zachary at the same time, hi-fiving.
Sylvie walked over to Servine and applauded slowly. Shiro did the same for Dewott.
While Dewott pounded his own chest and said he did all the work, Servine simply sniffed indignantly and turned her head away.
"I guess Pokemon and humans alike never do really evolve..." sighed Sylvie.
Lindsey and Zachary held out their palms, and Burgh gently placed Insect Badges in their hands, smiling.
"You were very brave today, challengers, and with gusto, I present you my masterpiece... the Insect Badges!" he proclaimed.
As the two trainers smiled in happiness, though, they didn't realize that a small Pokemon was watching them far above, invisible...
"Mel!" it said before floating out.
Author's Note: Sorry for my hiatus, XD
Monday, January 20, 2014
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Chapter 13: Unlimited Power
The horn on the ship blared, and the grimy workers onboard threw the rope to the awaiting man on shore, tethering the rope to the dock. The sun's rays beat down on the island, for it was the top tourist attraction : Liberty Island.
Sylvie rolled her eyes and elbowed her twin sister.
"Seriously, Sarah, calm down. A rare Pokemon like Victini wouldn't show up for normal Pokemon like us." assured Sylvie.
Shiro's blue rings glowed, and he smiled at them.
"Hey, at least we can see if we can spot rare Pokemon! Maybe even see Goldesem!" suggested the shiny Umbreon.
"Or maybe evolve myself into Servine." growled Snivy.
"Or maybe find a good mate." sighed Dewott.
"Or maybe hone my psychokinesis." muttered Espeon.
"Perhaps, fight this Victini guy." said Ignacio.
"Or set something on fire." added Typhlosion.
"Or find a fossil." chirped Archen.
"Guys, stop. You're going to make me vomit." snarled Sylvie.
"Sorry." they chimed in unison.
As they got off the boat, however, laughing and giddy....
"WARNING! WARNING!" beeped a nearby alarm. "Intruders have penetrated defenses and are inside the lighthouse basement!"
Zachary tensed.
"Team Plasma?!" cried the male Trainer.
"Yes. In fact, you're spot-on. Have a cookie?" muttered a nearby voice.
They turned.... and saw N.
"Hey there, peeps!" smiled the green-haired teenager.
"N! I haven't seen you since Accmula Town!" yelped Lindsey.
"Sorry for being so cryptic, I like big entrances. I saw some Team Plasma goons over there, why don't you bust their butts?" suggested N, as calm as a lake. He pointed over by the lighthouse.
"Sure!" said Zachary before Lindsey could reply. "I want to get my Pokemon powerful! Right, everyone?"
His Pokemon murmured in agreement.
N smiled cooly.
"Well, peeps, think about your ideals... And seek the truth with vigorous strength..."
With a wave of his cap, he vanished.... somehow.
"That guy is... weird." muttered Lindsey after a short pause.
Suddenly, Ignacio tensed.
"I sense the aura of a rare Pokemon... Many, in fact.." growled the bulky Samurott.
Suddenly, from underneath a bush, apparently oblivious to the invasion of Team Plasma... several small Orkit appeared.
Three came out of the bush, with large, dragon-like front paws and cute, fluffy fur. They ran in circles, oftentimes tripping over their oversized feet.
"Aw... so cute." cooed Sarah.
Suddenly, hearing Sarah's coo, they quickly fled into the bushes, whimpering.
"You scared them, Sarah!" scolded Sylvie.
Suddenly, the bushes rustled even more, and a large, clawed Pokemon burst out.
"GRAAAAAAAH!" shrieked the beast.
"Mommy Orcalot! Water and Steel type, evolution of Orkit!" whimpered Espeon. "RUN!"
Nobody had to hear her, as the Orcalot started to roar fearsomely and shoot Steel-type, Ground-Type and Water-Type attacks all around, enough power to overwhelm most Pokemon.
Suddenly... a large net fell from the sky, and clenched its fists over Orcalot. The Orkit in the bushes, while unseen, seemed to quiver in fear.
"RARRRRARRRRRRR!" bellowed the beast.
"Heh... You, m' friend, will serve a good term under Team Plasma. Now, rest, and fall to the darkness." muttered a voice.
Sylvie turned her head... and saw a Team Plasma goon leaning over them.
Suddenly, the net emanated darkness, and a veil of shadow overcame Orcalot.
When the veil settled... Orcalot was now Shadow Orcalot.
"Yaaaaack! Team Plasma is way too abusive of their Dark Crystal technologies!" yelped Ignacio.
Too late.
With a single swipe of her arm, Orcalot knocked Ignacio into the air and right into Lindsey.
"Ouch! That hurts, ya!" complained the brown-haired girl as she was pinned to the pavement by a dazed samurott.
“Heh." snickered the voice once more.
Out of the bushes rose a grunt, dressed in thin grey robes. In his palm, he clasped a sliver of a jewel so lethal it could create Soul Eaters and Eternal Flames in a heartbeat and seal off the soul of a Pokemon without much struggling - the Dark Crystal.
"I hate to dispose of the Sylveons our Lord wants... but we have a mission to complete. Assist Shadow Orcalot, Pawniard!" growled the grunt.
Out of a shadow Pokeball, Pawniard appeared and hissed. It wasn't shadow, but it was in a Dark Ball... huh?
Then, Sylvie remembered Pawniard was a vicious Dark-type, so there was no need to seal its heart. Silly Sylvie.
"I'm on term with Team Plasma, so don't expect any sort of betrayal. I don't want to lose all my emotions if I rebel!" growled Pawniard.
"We won't let you do whatever malice you're planning to do!" bravely decreed Lindsey. "Espeon, use Psychic!"
"Yah!" grunted Espeon. Her forehead jewel glowed, and a focused blast of psychokinetic energies came out.
Somehow, the Grunt deflected the blow with his sleeve, and it hit Espeon right back, sending her right onto Lindsey, who was still trying to get up from under Ignacio.
Pawniard leapt onto Espeon with a single flick of its leg, and dug its blades into her chest. Blood spurted out, and Espeon struggled to break free.
"Huck... ugh..." muttered Espeon.
"Espeon, return! I'll fix you up later, hang in there! Ignacio, use Blizzard to freeze Pawniard in place! Sylvie, use your feelers to try to pacify it as Ignacio uses Blizzard!" cried Lindsey.
A red light burst out of Espeon's ball, and the bloodied Pokemon vanished from sight.
"Blood! Gore! Pizza!" growled Pawniard.
Ignacio unsheathed a blade from its leg, and used it as a cane to get up from lying on Lindsey helplessly, and started to charge up Blizzard.
"Sigh... I still can't believe I never knew this tactic..." muttered Sylvie.
"?" grunted Pawniard.
A soothing aura emanated from Sylvie's ribbons, calming the battlers. Snivy, who was tensed up from not getting any orders, sighed and went over to the cowering Orkit to sooth them. Dewott, whose scallops were bristling for battle, were set down and used as a pillow for a catnap. The Orkit eased and let Snivy feed them Pecha berries. Sarah joined in, and for a moment the conflict over by the lighthouse was muffled. The boat started to leave, despite previously calling for help and staying put.
"Cool move." remarked Zachary.
Suddenly, yellow dots danced in Sylvie's vision, and she buckled. The aura dissolved, and Sarah ceased her work.
Sylvie turned her head, and saw Pawniard on his side, frozen in a block of ice.
"Neat work, Ignacio." said Typhlosion.
They did a bro-fist.
"Guys! We need to stop Team Plasma ASAP! I have a suspicion they want to use Victini for something vile..." yelped Sylvie, breaking up the happiness (unfortunately)
Most of their trainers' Pokemon were withdrawn to make things more efficent, but both Sarah and Sylvie were left on the field just in case a Pokemon was in need of being subdued. According to Ignacio, the Sylveon's auras calmed Pawniard so it was the perfect target. In that case, Sylvie didn't want to accidentially make Victini a target. Shadow Orcalot had vanished after its ally fell to the opposition, but seemed to be able to take care of its children okay, so they left it be.
On the warm waves, Blophin leapt out the water and did tricks, avoiding the Frillish they stole Basculin from. A lone Lunupine crept along the sidewalk, wondering where the full moon was.
All too peaceful. All too quiet.
Above, the storm seemed to have left, but Sylvie still had the creepy feeling Zekrom was coming for her, angry that its enemy already chose a "successor". Sure, Zekrom was still a stone, but legendary Pokemon were unpredictably powerful. Even in its deep slumber, Zekrom could summon a storm to consume its foes with the snap of its claws.
Suddenly, they came across a sign that said "DO NOT ENTER. STAFF ONLY AREA." It was charred, with some Patrat bite marks on it. The door to the basement behind it was flung open, and the sounds of a scuffle were resonating off the walls.
"Great. They beat us to the catch." grumbled Zachary.
Lindsey elbowed the poor Trainer, and he yelped.
"R-right." he whimpered. "Team Plasma doesn't stand a chance to our might."
Lindsey grinned.
"That's more like it."
Suddenly, a wisp of flame floated out, and landed right on the sign. Immediately, a bonfire lit up the sign, and the two Sylveons and Trainers scrambled away.
When the flames died down, a message was carved into the sign.
Instead of human words, though, a large letter in the shape of Victini's ears were in there.
"Huff. Huff. Huff. Pant pant pant."
Those were the only things Sylvie heard as they ran down the slippery, gunky stairs to the basement. Once in a while, a stray Woobat or Patrat would attack, but Sarah quickly defeated them with a shrill Moonblast.
The lightbulbs on the ceiling swung in harmony, making the journey even more memserizing. The square of light above slowly shrank to the size of a postage stamp, then was nonexistent in their vision. All of their ligh came from the lightbulbs and some Tynamo wafting around.
Suddenly, a door appeared in front of them, bolted firmly on the concrete wall.
Lindsey just kicked it open with a karate kick.
Inside, an enormous Dark Crystal was being held up by the grunt they met earlier, its dark fumes reaching out for Victini, as serpentine as serpentine could be. Victini was flying in circles, trying desperately to evade the fumes, but to not much avail.
"I would be pleased to poison the Creator, Arceus... but alas, Arceus is native to Sinnoh, and rarely travels to Unova. Besides, controlling an everlasting, unlimited energy source that can purify the Shadow is even better than Shadow Celebi!" growled the grunt, oblivious to the arrival of the party-crashers.
Sylvie immediately used Swift, shooting the grunt with a stream of stars. They popped on him, blasting him into the wall, and sending the crystal flying. It smashed into a million pieces on the ceiling.
The grunt sneered, despite being gravely blood-soaked and without the Dark Crystal.
"A distraction..." he hoarsely growled. "Meloetta... Then the Light Stone... We shall win..."
Sylvie had no idea what Meloetta was, but Sarah's face went pale.
"Oh noes..."
In a flash of light, the grunt teleported out. Victini calmed, and sat down on its bed in the room.
Just then, Sylvie noticed that Victini was.... shiny!
The fur of Victini glimmered in the dim light, its white fur as soft as a Mareep's. Sylvie curled her feelers around it, and felt a warm sensation go through her.
She saw a faint glow surround her for a moment, then it subsided.
"Hey, thanks! That human was harassing me so much, I swear that they wanted to chop my wings off!" squeaked the Victini. She flapped her wings delicately, and licked herself.
"Um.... what's your name?" asked Shiro.
Victini fluttered over to the shiny Umbreon, and poked his forehead. For a moment, his rings glowed... then it subsided, yet again. Was this Victini's power of giving energy to the Pokemon it touched?
"Oh, really? My name is Vic, and apparently, if you haven't noticed, I'm shiny!"
Author's Note: Sorry about dat, I forgot about posting for a month! >.< Next up: We challenge Burgh's gym, and find the Claymore within Castelia Sewers! Yes, I molded Black and White 2 together, sorry! Also, spoilers abound: Sylvie and Sarah aren't the Sylveons that will journey through Kalos.
And this is how Shadow Victini would look, full credit to GAMErGIrL for the sprite she made for her shop.
The horn on the ship blared, and the grimy workers onboard threw the rope to the awaiting man on shore, tethering the rope to the dock. The sun's rays beat down on the island, for it was the top tourist attraction : Liberty Island.
Sylvie rolled her eyes and elbowed her twin sister.
"Seriously, Sarah, calm down. A rare Pokemon like Victini wouldn't show up for normal Pokemon like us." assured Sylvie.
Shiro's blue rings glowed, and he smiled at them.
"Hey, at least we can see if we can spot rare Pokemon! Maybe even see Goldesem!" suggested the shiny Umbreon.
"Or maybe evolve myself into Servine." growled Snivy.
"Or maybe find a good mate." sighed Dewott.
"Or maybe hone my psychokinesis." muttered Espeon.
"Perhaps, fight this Victini guy." said Ignacio.
"Or set something on fire." added Typhlosion.
"Or find a fossil." chirped Archen.
"Guys, stop. You're going to make me vomit." snarled Sylvie.
"Sorry." they chimed in unison.
As they got off the boat, however, laughing and giddy....
"WARNING! WARNING!" beeped a nearby alarm. "Intruders have penetrated defenses and are inside the lighthouse basement!"
Zachary tensed.
"Team Plasma?!" cried the male Trainer.
"Yes. In fact, you're spot-on. Have a cookie?" muttered a nearby voice.
They turned.... and saw N.
"Hey there, peeps!" smiled the green-haired teenager.
"N! I haven't seen you since Accmula Town!" yelped Lindsey.
"Sorry for being so cryptic, I like big entrances. I saw some Team Plasma goons over there, why don't you bust their butts?" suggested N, as calm as a lake. He pointed over by the lighthouse.
"Sure!" said Zachary before Lindsey could reply. "I want to get my Pokemon powerful! Right, everyone?"
His Pokemon murmured in agreement.
N smiled cooly.
"Well, peeps, think about your ideals... And seek the truth with vigorous strength..."
With a wave of his cap, he vanished.... somehow.
"That guy is... weird." muttered Lindsey after a short pause.
Suddenly, Ignacio tensed.
"I sense the aura of a rare Pokemon... Many, in fact.." growled the bulky Samurott.
Suddenly, from underneath a bush, apparently oblivious to the invasion of Team Plasma... several small Orkit appeared.
Three came out of the bush, with large, dragon-like front paws and cute, fluffy fur. They ran in circles, oftentimes tripping over their oversized feet.
"Aw... so cute." cooed Sarah.
Suddenly, hearing Sarah's coo, they quickly fled into the bushes, whimpering.
"You scared them, Sarah!" scolded Sylvie.
Suddenly, the bushes rustled even more, and a large, clawed Pokemon burst out.
"GRAAAAAAAH!" shrieked the beast.
"Mommy Orcalot! Water and Steel type, evolution of Orkit!" whimpered Espeon. "RUN!"
Nobody had to hear her, as the Orcalot started to roar fearsomely and shoot Steel-type, Ground-Type and Water-Type attacks all around, enough power to overwhelm most Pokemon.
Suddenly... a large net fell from the sky, and clenched its fists over Orcalot. The Orkit in the bushes, while unseen, seemed to quiver in fear.
"RARRRRARRRRRRR!" bellowed the beast.
"Heh... You, m' friend, will serve a good term under Team Plasma. Now, rest, and fall to the darkness." muttered a voice.
Sylvie turned her head... and saw a Team Plasma goon leaning over them.
Suddenly, the net emanated darkness, and a veil of shadow overcame Orcalot.
When the veil settled... Orcalot was now Shadow Orcalot.
"Yaaaaack! Team Plasma is way too abusive of their Dark Crystal technologies!" yelped Ignacio.
Too late.
With a single swipe of her arm, Orcalot knocked Ignacio into the air and right into Lindsey.
"Ouch! That hurts, ya!" complained the brown-haired girl as she was pinned to the pavement by a dazed samurott.
“Heh." snickered the voice once more.
Out of the bushes rose a grunt, dressed in thin grey robes. In his palm, he clasped a sliver of a jewel so lethal it could create Soul Eaters and Eternal Flames in a heartbeat and seal off the soul of a Pokemon without much struggling - the Dark Crystal.
"I hate to dispose of the Sylveons our Lord wants... but we have a mission to complete. Assist Shadow Orcalot, Pawniard!" growled the grunt.
Out of a shadow Pokeball, Pawniard appeared and hissed. It wasn't shadow, but it was in a Dark Ball... huh?
Then, Sylvie remembered Pawniard was a vicious Dark-type, so there was no need to seal its heart. Silly Sylvie.
"I'm on term with Team Plasma, so don't expect any sort of betrayal. I don't want to lose all my emotions if I rebel!" growled Pawniard.
"We won't let you do whatever malice you're planning to do!" bravely decreed Lindsey. "Espeon, use Psychic!"
"Yah!" grunted Espeon. Her forehead jewel glowed, and a focused blast of psychokinetic energies came out.
Somehow, the Grunt deflected the blow with his sleeve, and it hit Espeon right back, sending her right onto Lindsey, who was still trying to get up from under Ignacio.
Pawniard leapt onto Espeon with a single flick of its leg, and dug its blades into her chest. Blood spurted out, and Espeon struggled to break free.
"Huck... ugh..." muttered Espeon.
"Espeon, return! I'll fix you up later, hang in there! Ignacio, use Blizzard to freeze Pawniard in place! Sylvie, use your feelers to try to pacify it as Ignacio uses Blizzard!" cried Lindsey.
A red light burst out of Espeon's ball, and the bloodied Pokemon vanished from sight.
"Blood! Gore! Pizza!" growled Pawniard.
Ignacio unsheathed a blade from its leg, and used it as a cane to get up from lying on Lindsey helplessly, and started to charge up Blizzard.
"Sigh... I still can't believe I never knew this tactic..." muttered Sylvie.
"?" grunted Pawniard.
A soothing aura emanated from Sylvie's ribbons, calming the battlers. Snivy, who was tensed up from not getting any orders, sighed and went over to the cowering Orkit to sooth them. Dewott, whose scallops were bristling for battle, were set down and used as a pillow for a catnap. The Orkit eased and let Snivy feed them Pecha berries. Sarah joined in, and for a moment the conflict over by the lighthouse was muffled. The boat started to leave, despite previously calling for help and staying put.
"Cool move." remarked Zachary.
Suddenly, yellow dots danced in Sylvie's vision, and she buckled. The aura dissolved, and Sarah ceased her work.
Sylvie turned her head, and saw Pawniard on his side, frozen in a block of ice.
"Neat work, Ignacio." said Typhlosion.
They did a bro-fist.
"Guys! We need to stop Team Plasma ASAP! I have a suspicion they want to use Victini for something vile..." yelped Sylvie, breaking up the happiness (unfortunately)
Most of their trainers' Pokemon were withdrawn to make things more efficent, but both Sarah and Sylvie were left on the field just in case a Pokemon was in need of being subdued. According to Ignacio, the Sylveon's auras calmed Pawniard so it was the perfect target. In that case, Sylvie didn't want to accidentially make Victini a target. Shadow Orcalot had vanished after its ally fell to the opposition, but seemed to be able to take care of its children okay, so they left it be.
On the warm waves, Blophin leapt out the water and did tricks, avoiding the Frillish they stole Basculin from. A lone Lunupine crept along the sidewalk, wondering where the full moon was.
All too peaceful. All too quiet.
Above, the storm seemed to have left, but Sylvie still had the creepy feeling Zekrom was coming for her, angry that its enemy already chose a "successor". Sure, Zekrom was still a stone, but legendary Pokemon were unpredictably powerful. Even in its deep slumber, Zekrom could summon a storm to consume its foes with the snap of its claws.
Suddenly, they came across a sign that said "DO NOT ENTER. STAFF ONLY AREA." It was charred, with some Patrat bite marks on it. The door to the basement behind it was flung open, and the sounds of a scuffle were resonating off the walls.
"Great. They beat us to the catch." grumbled Zachary.
Lindsey elbowed the poor Trainer, and he yelped.
"R-right." he whimpered. "Team Plasma doesn't stand a chance to our might."
Lindsey grinned.
"That's more like it."
Suddenly, a wisp of flame floated out, and landed right on the sign. Immediately, a bonfire lit up the sign, and the two Sylveons and Trainers scrambled away.
When the flames died down, a message was carved into the sign.
Instead of human words, though, a large letter in the shape of Victini's ears were in there.
"Huff. Huff. Huff. Pant pant pant."
Those were the only things Sylvie heard as they ran down the slippery, gunky stairs to the basement. Once in a while, a stray Woobat or Patrat would attack, but Sarah quickly defeated them with a shrill Moonblast.
The lightbulbs on the ceiling swung in harmony, making the journey even more memserizing. The square of light above slowly shrank to the size of a postage stamp, then was nonexistent in their vision. All of their ligh came from the lightbulbs and some Tynamo wafting around.
Suddenly, a door appeared in front of them, bolted firmly on the concrete wall.
Lindsey just kicked it open with a karate kick.
Inside, an enormous Dark Crystal was being held up by the grunt they met earlier, its dark fumes reaching out for Victini, as serpentine as serpentine could be. Victini was flying in circles, trying desperately to evade the fumes, but to not much avail.
"I would be pleased to poison the Creator, Arceus... but alas, Arceus is native to Sinnoh, and rarely travels to Unova. Besides, controlling an everlasting, unlimited energy source that can purify the Shadow is even better than Shadow Celebi!" growled the grunt, oblivious to the arrival of the party-crashers.
Sylvie immediately used Swift, shooting the grunt with a stream of stars. They popped on him, blasting him into the wall, and sending the crystal flying. It smashed into a million pieces on the ceiling.
The grunt sneered, despite being gravely blood-soaked and without the Dark Crystal.
"A distraction..." he hoarsely growled. "Meloetta... Then the Light Stone... We shall win..."
Sylvie had no idea what Meloetta was, but Sarah's face went pale.
"Oh noes..."
In a flash of light, the grunt teleported out. Victini calmed, and sat down on its bed in the room.
Just then, Sylvie noticed that Victini was.... shiny!
The fur of Victini glimmered in the dim light, its white fur as soft as a Mareep's. Sylvie curled her feelers around it, and felt a warm sensation go through her.
She saw a faint glow surround her for a moment, then it subsided.
"Hey, thanks! That human was harassing me so much, I swear that they wanted to chop my wings off!" squeaked the Victini. She flapped her wings delicately, and licked herself.
"Um.... what's your name?" asked Shiro.
Victini fluttered over to the shiny Umbreon, and poked his forehead. For a moment, his rings glowed... then it subsided, yet again. Was this Victini's power of giving energy to the Pokemon it touched?
"Oh, really? My name is Vic, and apparently, if you haven't noticed, I'm shiny!"
Author's Note: Sorry about dat, I forgot about posting for a month! >.< Next up: We challenge Burgh's gym, and find the Claymore within Castelia Sewers! Yes, I molded Black and White 2 together, sorry! Also, spoilers abound: Sylvie and Sarah aren't the Sylveons that will journey through Kalos.
And this is how Shadow Victini would look, full credit to GAMErGIrL for the sprite she made for her shop.

Thursday, September 19, 2013
Chapter 12: Liberties of Liberty Pass
After some R&D in the Pokemon Center, done by some cute Machoke and Blissey, Sylvie glanced out the glass walls of the center.
Pouring rain was pelting against the glass, and the howling wind seemed powerful enough to sweep a burly Wailord off the street. Thunder as loud as nuclear bombs rumbled, and the lightning seemed to light up the entire world. Thick black clouds loomed overhead, shaped in a dangerous funnel ready to destroy anything in its way.
"Eesh... you think we could see Thundrus or Tornadus today?" muttered Lindsey.
"You talking about a mutation of Pokerus?" asked Zachary, noting what Lindsey said.
Sylvie rolled her eyes, and prodded Zachary. Zachary made no notion of noticing.
"Zachary, you idiot. They are two legendary tempest Pokemon, said to wander Unova at the most dire times and wreak havoc. Unova has many Pokemon of myth, unlike other regions, because the ancient culture was very superstitious. After the rain clears out, we should explore Castelia." replied Lindsey.
Grumpy rich clerks lounged on the furniture, yelling into their smartphones at their girlfriends and ordering packages of Luxury Balls to be delivered to them so they could try to capture the legendary Pokemon Victini. Sylvie overheard a man inside the cluttered Pokemon Center negotiate with some rich guy about a pass to Liberty Island, or something like that.
"It is said that Victini was locked away by a millionaire many years ago in the tower! The tower is guarded by strong policemen and has never been excavated to preserve the monument, and to keep Victini a mystery to attract more tourists." said the guy. "I have tickets right here for the boat, ya! This is my last one, and no more are coming.
As swift as swift could be, Sylvie dashed under the clomping human feet and snatched the ticket. It was good for two persons and 12 Pokemon at most. Nobody but the seller and the bidder noticed her slide back to Zachary and Lindsey.
"No! That would have paid for some nice Grumpig buns!" wailed the seller. "I'll get back at that rare Pokemon!"
She heard the man running after her, fat heap stumbling through the crowds, but tripping and cursing and blissfully going silent.
Shiro noticed her coming, and saw the emerald-green pass in her mouth.
"Hey there, Sylvie. What do you have there?" asked the shiny Umbreon. He had a weird aura about him, as if a bit of the lock on his heart were still intact. He kept on scratching his belly, as if there were something sinister going on within him.
"Ah, just this nice Liberty Pass. Good to get us all over onto Liberty Island. It's said that Victini lives there, and grants unlimited power to whoever it touches." explained Sylvie. The din of the humans made it hard to hear her words, but it was surprisingly easy to listen in.
"Cool! A Pokemon that grants power! Zachary will be sure to want it!" remarked Ignacio. "I'm not one of his Pokemon, but I can tell."
Sylvie started to get pumped, yet their Trainers couldn't tell something was going on, as they were showing their badges to the Pokemart and purchasing some Super Potions to boot, along with some balls in case they needed to catch a Pokemon.
"And," she added. "it is said that rare Pokemon that aren't officially dexed like Orkit and Blophin can be found sometimes there!"
Typhlosion's eyes bulged, and he smiled.
"Cool! I think its best to go when it stops raining, though. No good sloshing through puddles and whatnot. IF it stops raining, that is."
Sylvie glanced out the glass walls. Sure enough, the torrential rain hadn't ceased much.
"Sigh.." muttered Archen. "Rain corrodes my body for some reason. Otherwise, I would've flown away to explore the city and get out of this crowd."
Sarah seemed uneasy around Sylvie, not meeting her gaze and trying to stay a distance from her.
Dewott grinned, and juggled his shells. Since there wasn't much else to do, the group turned to watch him expertly juggle his razor shells.
"I should be vigorously training, of course, but there's not enough space to battle somebody." said Dewott, basking his mind in the spotlight.
"Hey, Pokemon! Large space here for battling! No humans allowed, its wild roam!" cried a voice.
Immediately, a crowd of Pidoves, Patrats and Purrloins stampeded over them, running like Basculin to bait. They cried in delight at something to do.
Dewott and Shiro nearly ran forward, but Snivy used Vine Whip and held them back.
"Why?" yelped Shiro.
"It's something to do!" chided Dewott.
Snivy, sweat beads on her face, managed to pull them back, irritated by their rashness. As she ratted them out on how suspicious the free-play field was, Sylvie padded over to Lindsey, who was now dusting off her badges.
"Sylvie? I'm sure your ability isn' Pickup, what is this item you brought me?" asked the brown-haired girl.
"I dunno." said Zachary. "Looks like those expensive Liberty Passes that take you to the legendary monument. It's said a rare Pokemon named Victini lives there, and grants unlimited power to those it sees worthy."
Lindsey elbowed the dimwit, and chuckled playfully.
"So, the dim lightbulb knows something I don't. Great job paying attention at Trainer's School to the Mythology class." teased Lindsey.
Zachary rolled his eyes, and bent down to take the Liberty Pass.
"I don't know why Sylvie got ahold of such an expensive ticket... oh well. I suspect the storm is just one of those desert-influenced storms that are brewing."
Espeon padded over to Sylvie, seeing her surprise and yet, unsurprise, that storms were now brewing in Unova.
"Calm down, Sylvie. I'm hyperactive, yes, and I have a twisted paw that limits my battle capabilities, but I'm perfectly capable of not fearing a storm." soothed the Johto Eevelution.
As Sylvie exited with the others, though, she suspected something horrible was brewing - so horrible that Unova could fall to its evil.
Author's Note: Finished this late at night. Ugh. Next chapter will probably be Vic's debut, and get the characters to see more action. No new characters to annouce. Toodles.
Pouring rain was pelting against the glass, and the howling wind seemed powerful enough to sweep a burly Wailord off the street. Thunder as loud as nuclear bombs rumbled, and the lightning seemed to light up the entire world. Thick black clouds loomed overhead, shaped in a dangerous funnel ready to destroy anything in its way.
"Eesh... you think we could see Thundrus or Tornadus today?" muttered Lindsey.
"You talking about a mutation of Pokerus?" asked Zachary, noting what Lindsey said.
Sylvie rolled her eyes, and prodded Zachary. Zachary made no notion of noticing.
"Zachary, you idiot. They are two legendary tempest Pokemon, said to wander Unova at the most dire times and wreak havoc. Unova has many Pokemon of myth, unlike other regions, because the ancient culture was very superstitious. After the rain clears out, we should explore Castelia." replied Lindsey.
Grumpy rich clerks lounged on the furniture, yelling into their smartphones at their girlfriends and ordering packages of Luxury Balls to be delivered to them so they could try to capture the legendary Pokemon Victini. Sylvie overheard a man inside the cluttered Pokemon Center negotiate with some rich guy about a pass to Liberty Island, or something like that.
"It is said that Victini was locked away by a millionaire many years ago in the tower! The tower is guarded by strong policemen and has never been excavated to preserve the monument, and to keep Victini a mystery to attract more tourists." said the guy. "I have tickets right here for the boat, ya! This is my last one, and no more are coming.
As swift as swift could be, Sylvie dashed under the clomping human feet and snatched the ticket. It was good for two persons and 12 Pokemon at most. Nobody but the seller and the bidder noticed her slide back to Zachary and Lindsey.
"No! That would have paid for some nice Grumpig buns!" wailed the seller. "I'll get back at that rare Pokemon!"
She heard the man running after her, fat heap stumbling through the crowds, but tripping and cursing and blissfully going silent.
Shiro noticed her coming, and saw the emerald-green pass in her mouth.
"Hey there, Sylvie. What do you have there?" asked the shiny Umbreon. He had a weird aura about him, as if a bit of the lock on his heart were still intact. He kept on scratching his belly, as if there were something sinister going on within him.
"Ah, just this nice Liberty Pass. Good to get us all over onto Liberty Island. It's said that Victini lives there, and grants unlimited power to whoever it touches." explained Sylvie. The din of the humans made it hard to hear her words, but it was surprisingly easy to listen in.
"Cool! A Pokemon that grants power! Zachary will be sure to want it!" remarked Ignacio. "I'm not one of his Pokemon, but I can tell."
Sylvie started to get pumped, yet their Trainers couldn't tell something was going on, as they were showing their badges to the Pokemart and purchasing some Super Potions to boot, along with some balls in case they needed to catch a Pokemon.
"And," she added. "it is said that rare Pokemon that aren't officially dexed like Orkit and Blophin can be found sometimes there!"
Typhlosion's eyes bulged, and he smiled.
"Cool! I think its best to go when it stops raining, though. No good sloshing through puddles and whatnot. IF it stops raining, that is."
Sylvie glanced out the glass walls. Sure enough, the torrential rain hadn't ceased much.
"Sigh.." muttered Archen. "Rain corrodes my body for some reason. Otherwise, I would've flown away to explore the city and get out of this crowd."
Sarah seemed uneasy around Sylvie, not meeting her gaze and trying to stay a distance from her.
Dewott grinned, and juggled his shells. Since there wasn't much else to do, the group turned to watch him expertly juggle his razor shells.
"I should be vigorously training, of course, but there's not enough space to battle somebody." said Dewott, basking his mind in the spotlight.
"Hey, Pokemon! Large space here for battling! No humans allowed, its wild roam!" cried a voice.
Immediately, a crowd of Pidoves, Patrats and Purrloins stampeded over them, running like Basculin to bait. They cried in delight at something to do.
Dewott and Shiro nearly ran forward, but Snivy used Vine Whip and held them back.
"Why?" yelped Shiro.
"It's something to do!" chided Dewott.
Snivy, sweat beads on her face, managed to pull them back, irritated by their rashness. As she ratted them out on how suspicious the free-play field was, Sylvie padded over to Lindsey, who was now dusting off her badges.
"Sylvie? I'm sure your ability isn' Pickup, what is this item you brought me?" asked the brown-haired girl.
"I dunno." said Zachary. "Looks like those expensive Liberty Passes that take you to the legendary monument. It's said a rare Pokemon named Victini lives there, and grants unlimited power to those it sees worthy."
Lindsey elbowed the dimwit, and chuckled playfully.
"So, the dim lightbulb knows something I don't. Great job paying attention at Trainer's School to the Mythology class." teased Lindsey.
Zachary rolled his eyes, and bent down to take the Liberty Pass.
"I don't know why Sylvie got ahold of such an expensive ticket... oh well. I suspect the storm is just one of those desert-influenced storms that are brewing."
Espeon padded over to Sylvie, seeing her surprise and yet, unsurprise, that storms were now brewing in Unova.
"Calm down, Sylvie. I'm hyperactive, yes, and I have a twisted paw that limits my battle capabilities, but I'm perfectly capable of not fearing a storm." soothed the Johto Eevelution.
As Sylvie exited with the others, though, she suspected something horrible was brewing - so horrible that Unova could fall to its evil.
Author's Note: Finished this late at night. Ugh. Next chapter will probably be Vic's debut, and get the characters to see more action. No new characters to annouce. Toodles.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Chapter 11: Arrow In The Sky
Sylvie comfortably settled into her ball, comfort nestled in the folds of the nest she made out of the plush cushions.
Outside, Lindsey sprinted over the straight paved path through the Pinwheel Forest, avoiding random joggers and little kids running around the woods. Noctowl and Tranquil flew over the forest, their flapping wings making the place seem more peaceful.
As the bumps of Lindsey and Zachary moving around comforted her, Sylvie thought about Reshiram and her ominous words. She was sure it wasn't an illusion, nor was it entirely real. Reshiram existed in myth and legend, but was sleeping in her cloak of the dimension they slept in... by "they", Sylvie meant Reshiram and Zekrom. But what was the stark white stone Reshiram slept in? And what was Zekrom sleeping in?
"Don't give it much thought."
Sylvie's head turned, and saw Snivy in the Pokeball next to her, the grouch she normally was.
"Pardon?" asked Sylvie.
"Look, I know you're brainstorming about some dilemna that I can't identify, but to clarify, don't give it way too much thought. Get your mind sharp for Castelia's Gym Battle, because I've heard that the Leavanny Burgh has has a mean Hyper Beam. His Garvantula is also very good. And, because I'm bored, I'll tell you this: I'm near evolution. Oshawott says so too, which means we should be Dewott and Servine soon." said Snivy. "Now, will you tell me what the heck are you thinking?"
Sylvie raised her eyebrows.
"How did you know I was in deep thought?" asked Sylvie.
"Think, bozo. Snivy always abandon their trainers if they disapprove of them. Juniper doesn't think they're very good starters for that, but hey, we starters are genetically engineered, its THEIR fault. So that means we can read into other creatures' expressions and analyze their personality and such from a single glance. I can't understand what you're thinking because its too complicated, but I know that its better when told to someone else." sighed Snivy, stretching her leaf paws.
"I-its nothing. Serious. Absolute." stuttered Sylvie. "You'll think its bull."
"Pfft. I believe in Arceus, Dialga, Palkia, Victini, and all those legendary Pokemon. If a Pokemon that is a power supply exists, then nothing is bull."
Sylvie groaned, and spoke quickly.
"So, I met Reshiram in the museum when I approached the white stone, and she sucked me into this sleep dimension where she was a spirit, and spoke to me about some 'Chosen Ones'. I felt resolute in there, full of ambition and truth, yet when I came out I blacked out. Simple as that."
Snivy's eyes widened, full of disbelief and belief mixed into a stew of shock.
"No way! Most Pokemon that are close to the essence of a legendary like that would either burn up or become very sluggish! You must be special, I see." said Snivy, stepping back from Sylvie as if she had a mutated case of Pokerus.
"And that's coming from the Pokemon that used to hate me. Wow." muttered Sylvie, not that pleased at all.
Before Snivy could reply, a bright light flashed, and they were out of their balls. Sylvie landed on the ground with a pfft... while Ignacio and Typhlosion landed with a thud. Shiro, however, landed on his rump hard.
"Oops! Sorry, Shiro!" cried Zachary.
Overhead, Sylvie saw a purple and black streak fly overhead, circling around them. It seemed to be enjoying flying, yet it never left the position around Sylvie's location.
She smiled, and saw a Serperior curled around the streak. She guessed that Hydreigon and Serperior were sent to watch them after Kennedy told the Town Pokemon about the incident. They certainly couldn't risk an accident happening again.
"Come on, guys! Time to cross the Skyarrow bridge, or are you lazybones?" cried Lindsey. Before any Pokemon could reply, she ran off at a steady sprint, the white fur on her jean-shorts whipping in the wind.
"Aw, come on! She can't expect us to catch up at the speed of a Pidgeotto!" groaned Zachary. Blue vest whipping in the wind, he ran after her to the stairs to the gate.
The trees rustled above them, and Sylvie thought she saw a yellow Pokemon watching them in the treetops.
Espeon waved at the yellow Pokemon, and the yellow Pokemon waved back.
"Hey, Storm! We're leaving for Castelia! I was rescued by this trainer with long brown-black hair, no worries!" cried Espeon.
The yellow Pokemon known as Storm hopped down the tree, moving around in a slightly clumsy manner.
"Hey, Espeon! I got you some Wiki berries on my way here! Hope you like them!" said Storm, landing on his paws and padding towards them.
When he got closer, Sylvie saw it was a Jolteon. Yet another Eeveelution in a region without any native ones.
Espeon sniffed the Wiki berries, then turned away.
"My deep apologies, but I don't like the taste of dry berries. Why not let the others take them to Zachary and Lindsey?" said Espeon.
Storm looked disappointed.
"Oh well..please take them then. I'll be heading back to the town. If you have time to kill, remember I live in the Town near Accumula Town. Oh, there's a Venipede! Cool!" said Storm, attention turning very quickly.
Before anyone could speak, he darted back up the tree, and vanished into the trees, making little sound.
Espeon sighed, and picked up the fresh Wiki berries with her Psychic move.
"C'mon. We don't want our trainers worrying about us."said Espeon. "Sometimes that Jolteon just annoys me. It's all I can do from bursting out and cursing."
Despite being a bit edgy due to the encounter with Team Plasma, the others nodded, and darted up the stairs to the gateway.
Inside, elevator music was playing, and both Zachary and Lindsey were talking to the receptionist positioned there.
When they saw their party of Pokemon charging in, they smiled.
"Hey, everyone! Come on, Xaia here says that the view is breathtaking!" exclaimed Zachary.
Lindsey bent down to her Espeon, and saw the Wiki berries floating in the air.
"Oh, so you brought back some Wiki berries? How kind of you! Don't tell me you went scouring while everyone hung behind!" smiled Lindsey.
Plucking the berries gently, Lindsey took out a pouch and slid the berries in, careful not to damage the delicate berries.
A few people were reading newspapers, watching the electric bulletin board, or surverying their Town Maps, but nobody paid any heed to the two trainers passing through and the brigade of rare Pokemon they brought with them, as if they were very used to League Trainers passing by throughout the long day.
Sylvie felt a little unimpressed when she stepped onto the mighty bridge, because it felt... bland. Enlightenment with Reshiram felt much, much better, by far, than just walking over a simple, manmade bridge.
A few other people were strolling over the bridge, ignorant of the heavy fog over the bridge and watching ships go down the two rivers in Unova, along with Basculin and Alomomola swimming towards the Entralink for some unknown reason.
Shiro's shiny pelt was glittering, as if it were the sea itself glittered underneath the sun, and Sylvie couldn't help but sigh in amazement at his sparkly, shiny pelt.
"What?" yelped Shiro. "Anything wrong, Sylvie?"
Sylvie turned her head away.
"N-nothing, of course. Nothing's impossible in this world, Shiro, but I'm afraid... never mind."
Shiro raised an eyebrow, then turned away blushing.
"Oh well... awkward..."
Lindsey and Zachary chuckled.
"Ah, seems like our Eeveelutions are having some flabbergastion at their nerves!" said the two Trainers.
Sarah teasingly looked at them.
"Sylvie and Shiro, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the Egg in the Daycare carriage!" teased the sassy Sylveon.
"Hey!" cried Sylvie and Shiro at the same time.
"Let's get on with it." growled Snivy. "I'm sick of this crap, lets move on. I want to see Castelia."
The four mighty towers loomed in the distance, clouded by pollution and fog. Swanna squawked overhead, and the horn of the Royal Unova echoed through the void.
"Last one to Castelia City is a rotten Exeggcute!" cried Oshawott.
As they ran over the bridge, Sylvie noticed something.
Bubbles were wafting up from the ocean, large ones that even a heavy Pokemon could sit on. It was odd, yes, but she wanted to focus on the task: get to the end of Skyarrow bridge.
"I feel like something is about to go terribly wrong.." whimpered a voice.
Behind them, a Serperior slithered and winced at the burns all over her body.
"Hey, Serperior! Why haven't you tried eating a Rawst Berry or using a Burn Heal?" asked Archen. "It would be much easier on you."
Serperior glared at the fossil Pokemon Samurott-like.
"Because I'm snaking-up. These aren't much, anyway. I could've gotten into worse when I was subject to an Emboar attack. Just, watch ou-"
Serperior was cut off by a blast of water, most likely a Hydro Pump, and an Alomomola leaping out of the water - only, it had glowing red eyes and a purple-grey color scheme.
"A Shadow Pokemon!" exclaimed Sylvie.
Sarah elbowed her with a ribbon.
"C'mon, we all know that. Don't do the cliched thing most heroes do." purred Sarah.
"Snaking up? Seriously?" was all Typhlosion said.
Alomomola immediately opened its mouth, and out came a Shadow Wave.
"Sheesh, it attacked us without even saying hello!" growled Ignacio. "I'll teach it a lesson!"
Ignacio immediately used Blizzard, summoning a bitter blizzard full of ice chunks. The Alomomola growled as the sheer cold tore at her, but it seemed to be ineffective.
Ignacio's eyes widened as the sluggish Shadow Wave hit her, square in the chest. A patch of purple opened up where the wave hit.
"Ugh... its truly powerful." growled Ignacio. "In fact, just one attack from a Shadow Pokemon does a lot of damage, they are engineered to be the ultimate Pokemon. My attacks do almost nothing... and I'm supposed to have good IVs."
Sarah raised an eyebrow.
"Whats an IV?" asked the Sylveon.
"No time for that now!" cried Sylvie. "Lindsey and Zachary are behind us, but if my estimates are correct, this Shadow Pokemon is powerful enough to finish us all off before our Trainers get here!"
Sarah rolled her eyes.
"Sheesh, sheesh. Fine, I'll ask the Pokedex later. For some reason it can understand our speech, which I think is the reason why it can record our cries." muttered Sarah.
Ignacio, angered by taking so much damage, got up close to the Alomomola that was flopping around on the Skyarrow bridge, and did a Hydro Pump at very close range. Alomomola winced, its red eyes full of pain, but nevertheless it seemed to enjoy the suffering of the Samurott.
In retaliation to the attack, the Alomomola used Shadow Claw, using its own power to make a paw connected to nothing, and scratched all of the opposing Pokemon very quickly.
As fast as a crazed Ludicolo, patches of sizzling shadow burns opened up on the bodies of all of the Pokemon.
"Hang in there, guys! We're coming!" cried Lindsey.
"You can do it! We have a Pokeball on hand to catch the Pokemon for purification!"
Suddenly, Espeon started moving around quickly, and without warning struck Alomomola with a strong Psychic. Alomomola flinched, and started to sweat... if Water-Types could sweat.
"I hate you!" spat Espeon. It was surprisingly like her, as she was reputed in the Town to have a fierce temper set off by the merest offense.
Out of nowhere, Sylvie and Sarah's necklaces started to glow.
"Hey... who put Christmas lights in my necklace?" cried Sarah.
As they were distracted by the sound of the necklaces charging up, Shadow Alomomola took the chance to use a potent Aqua Jet.
Slamming into the two Sylveons, the Shadow Pokemon started to savagely bite and whip them, doing its best to damage them.
Snivy used Vine Whip in the nick of time to avoid the Aqua Jet knocking Sylvie and Sarah unconscious.
"Don't thank me. I'm just doing this for evolution. I've heard that Shadow Pokemon make great ways to farm for some power." growled the Snivy.
"I... will mince you all..." snarled the Alomomola.
"Oh, so the victim talks! Ah! Well, eat the might of twins, sicko!" cried Sylvie.
The seashell necklaces stopped charging, and a large Moon Blast formed between Sylvie and Sarah. It dropped down from hovering, and rolled like a bowling ball towards Alomomola.
Alomomola's eyes widened as the Fairy-type attack bowled into it.
"No! Fairy-type - the only weakness of a Shadow Pokemon!"
A huge explosion erupted, and when the dust cleared, Alomomola was all but unconscious.
"Gotcha!" cried Zachary.
A Pokeball hit Alomomola, and it vanished in a burst of blue light.
One wiggle... two wiggles... three wiggles... click!
Stars came out of the ball, but immediately it shrunk.
"Looks like the Pokeball classified it as a Pokemon that can't be used in battle until it is purified. I'll send it over to Professor Juniper when we get to Castelia City." said Zachary.
Sylvie sighed.
"I wonder why it would attack us like that. Sure, they're heartless and blind, but even the most retarded Pokemon knows not to attack a large troupe of Pokemon without good attacks or help. Is Team Plasma THAT desperate to defeat us?"
Oshawott thumped his belly shell.
"No problem! We're feeling good despite some scars after that battle!" said the Pokemon, full of bloated pride.
Suddenly, a white light surrounded Oshawott.
"Hey! I'm evolving! To think I don't battle much!" exclaimed the otter Pokemon.
Zachary repeated what Oshawott said, for some odd reason.
Oshawott started to grow, and his shape started to change, growing sleeker, taller and with a rounded head. His neck was exposed, his shell split in two, and paws growing a little larger.
The light came off of Oshawott, and out emerged Dewott!
Ignacio patted Dewott on the shoulder.
"Hey, in no time you'll be just like me! Time to go to Castelia City and train together!" said Ignacio.
Dewott's eyes sparkled.
"R-Really?" stuttered Dewott. "You're awesome! I want to learn some moves, too!"
Ignacio chuckled.
"I learned all of my moves from TMs. Technical Machines are very useful, you know. Last time I checked, Lindsey and Zachary somehow had all of them. In fact, I recently learned Dig and Blizzard. Glad to see a fan of mine, though."
Zachary pumped his fist in the air.
"Awesome! You should be in a kung-fu movie, totally! Mienfoo and other karate Pokemon should be in it too!" cried the young boy.
Lindsey elbowed his blue jacket.
"What a geek. I only watch comedies and Pokemon shows these days." teased the girl.
Suddenly, black clouds started to roll in, and thunder rumbled. Sylvie thought she could hear the cry of a dragon inside the storm roaring.
Truth and ideals...
Sylvie shook her head. It wasn't possible the legendary Zekrom was coming to kill Sylvie... or was it?
"Oh, shizzle. Time to get into the Pokemon Center, everyone! RUNNNNNNN!" exclaimed Zachary. This time, it was he that got a head start.
As Lindsey sprinted behind him, Sylvie saw Dewott elbow Snivy.
"Hey, little guy. You haven't evolved yet, eh? Well, now the tables of elemental advantages have turned!" taunted Dewott.
"Oh, come off, Dewott. I'm evolving soon, just you wait!" replied the Snivy.
The Pokemon sprinted after their masters, pausing sometimes to grab a feather that fell from the sky.
Inside Castelia City, they saw many clerks running about, getting to their company or home. Some were muttering under their breath, others were screaming at another person, and yet others were as silent as ninjas.
"Ooh! Its a rare Pokemon! Catchie catchie!" said a fat clerk nearby.
Sylvie barely dodged a barrage of Luxury Balls, and growled.
"Ugh! Why does everyone want me?" snarled the distressed Sylveon.
Rain droplets started to fall when they reached the Pokemon Center. A large billboard showcasing a dancing Pikachu above flashed a lot. Tall buildings loomed like Onix, and lights flashed like stars high above them. The voices of many sung in the hub of activity.
Quickly dodging into the automatic doors of the Pokemon Center, they found many soaked workers lying on the chairs, and Pokemon being frantically healed by Nurse Joy from work battles at the Battle Company, Gamefreak, so on so forth. The Geonet and clubs at the top of the stairs were booming with users and tired receptionists, and the Pokemart was overwhelmed with buyers of Potions, mail, and other things.
"Eesh, the rumors about humans in Castelia caring only for themselves are true. Look at some of them push each other!" remarked Sarah. "Even rabid Jynx in line for makeup aren't this savage!"
Suddenly, a little girl is tossed out of the crowd, sobbing. She seems to grip a tasty Wiki berry in her fists, but is too caught up in sobbing on the polished floor to talk.
Lindsey seems too caught up in finding a seat to comfort the little girl, and Zachary was picking his nose (ew). So what did helpless Sylvie do?
"I have nothing else to do, so why not?"
Sylvie crept over to the crying girl, and held up a Rare Candy she found on the floor. It was desperate, yes, but it did the trick.
"Thanks Leafeon. I wuv you." squeaks the girl. Sylvie rolls her eyes at how she's always called a Shiny Leafeon for some reason, and cuddles the girl one last time before she crawls away, tears fresh on her cheeks, to find her mother within the crowd.
Sarah prods her in the back.
"Hey, sis. I understand you want to look at the girl for a little bit, but Lindsey just got a spot for us in the Pokemon Center. It's best we heal and get to talk with Audino a bit." says Sarah.
Sylvie nods, and sighs.
"What?" asks Sarah.
"Nothing." snapped Sylvie quickly.
Sarah tilted her head and raised an eyebrow.
"You seem... nervous about the storm. Oh well, maybe some massaging will help." mutters Sarah.
Sylvie, on end about the sudden storm, followed Sarah to Lindsey, each step laden with spikes that tried to warn her that she was about to face grave danger.
Sylvie didn't listen.. and paid for it later.
Author's Note: Ah, I finally finished this. I hope you enjoyed it.. that's all I can really say. No more Plasma appearances until the Desert Resort, I promise... so what could the storm be? Plot twist...
Outside, Lindsey sprinted over the straight paved path through the Pinwheel Forest, avoiding random joggers and little kids running around the woods. Noctowl and Tranquil flew over the forest, their flapping wings making the place seem more peaceful.
As the bumps of Lindsey and Zachary moving around comforted her, Sylvie thought about Reshiram and her ominous words. She was sure it wasn't an illusion, nor was it entirely real. Reshiram existed in myth and legend, but was sleeping in her cloak of the dimension they slept in... by "they", Sylvie meant Reshiram and Zekrom. But what was the stark white stone Reshiram slept in? And what was Zekrom sleeping in?
"Don't give it much thought."
Sylvie's head turned, and saw Snivy in the Pokeball next to her, the grouch she normally was.
"Pardon?" asked Sylvie.
"Look, I know you're brainstorming about some dilemna that I can't identify, but to clarify, don't give it way too much thought. Get your mind sharp for Castelia's Gym Battle, because I've heard that the Leavanny Burgh has has a mean Hyper Beam. His Garvantula is also very good. And, because I'm bored, I'll tell you this: I'm near evolution. Oshawott says so too, which means we should be Dewott and Servine soon." said Snivy. "Now, will you tell me what the heck are you thinking?"
Sylvie raised her eyebrows.
"How did you know I was in deep thought?" asked Sylvie.
"Think, bozo. Snivy always abandon their trainers if they disapprove of them. Juniper doesn't think they're very good starters for that, but hey, we starters are genetically engineered, its THEIR fault. So that means we can read into other creatures' expressions and analyze their personality and such from a single glance. I can't understand what you're thinking because its too complicated, but I know that its better when told to someone else." sighed Snivy, stretching her leaf paws.
"I-its nothing. Serious. Absolute." stuttered Sylvie. "You'll think its bull."
"Pfft. I believe in Arceus, Dialga, Palkia, Victini, and all those legendary Pokemon. If a Pokemon that is a power supply exists, then nothing is bull."
Sylvie groaned, and spoke quickly.
"So, I met Reshiram in the museum when I approached the white stone, and she sucked me into this sleep dimension where she was a spirit, and spoke to me about some 'Chosen Ones'. I felt resolute in there, full of ambition and truth, yet when I came out I blacked out. Simple as that."
Snivy's eyes widened, full of disbelief and belief mixed into a stew of shock.
"No way! Most Pokemon that are close to the essence of a legendary like that would either burn up or become very sluggish! You must be special, I see." said Snivy, stepping back from Sylvie as if she had a mutated case of Pokerus.
"And that's coming from the Pokemon that used to hate me. Wow." muttered Sylvie, not that pleased at all.
Before Snivy could reply, a bright light flashed, and they were out of their balls. Sylvie landed on the ground with a pfft... while Ignacio and Typhlosion landed with a thud. Shiro, however, landed on his rump hard.
"Oops! Sorry, Shiro!" cried Zachary.
Overhead, Sylvie saw a purple and black streak fly overhead, circling around them. It seemed to be enjoying flying, yet it never left the position around Sylvie's location.
She smiled, and saw a Serperior curled around the streak. She guessed that Hydreigon and Serperior were sent to watch them after Kennedy told the Town Pokemon about the incident. They certainly couldn't risk an accident happening again.
"Come on, guys! Time to cross the Skyarrow bridge, or are you lazybones?" cried Lindsey. Before any Pokemon could reply, she ran off at a steady sprint, the white fur on her jean-shorts whipping in the wind.
"Aw, come on! She can't expect us to catch up at the speed of a Pidgeotto!" groaned Zachary. Blue vest whipping in the wind, he ran after her to the stairs to the gate.
The trees rustled above them, and Sylvie thought she saw a yellow Pokemon watching them in the treetops.
Espeon waved at the yellow Pokemon, and the yellow Pokemon waved back.
"Hey, Storm! We're leaving for Castelia! I was rescued by this trainer with long brown-black hair, no worries!" cried Espeon.
The yellow Pokemon known as Storm hopped down the tree, moving around in a slightly clumsy manner.
"Hey, Espeon! I got you some Wiki berries on my way here! Hope you like them!" said Storm, landing on his paws and padding towards them.
When he got closer, Sylvie saw it was a Jolteon. Yet another Eeveelution in a region without any native ones.
Espeon sniffed the Wiki berries, then turned away.
"My deep apologies, but I don't like the taste of dry berries. Why not let the others take them to Zachary and Lindsey?" said Espeon.
Storm looked disappointed.
"Oh well..please take them then. I'll be heading back to the town. If you have time to kill, remember I live in the Town near Accumula Town. Oh, there's a Venipede! Cool!" said Storm, attention turning very quickly.
Before anyone could speak, he darted back up the tree, and vanished into the trees, making little sound.
Espeon sighed, and picked up the fresh Wiki berries with her Psychic move.
"C'mon. We don't want our trainers worrying about us."said Espeon. "Sometimes that Jolteon just annoys me. It's all I can do from bursting out and cursing."
Despite being a bit edgy due to the encounter with Team Plasma, the others nodded, and darted up the stairs to the gateway.
Inside, elevator music was playing, and both Zachary and Lindsey were talking to the receptionist positioned there.
When they saw their party of Pokemon charging in, they smiled.
"Hey, everyone! Come on, Xaia here says that the view is breathtaking!" exclaimed Zachary.
Lindsey bent down to her Espeon, and saw the Wiki berries floating in the air.
"Oh, so you brought back some Wiki berries? How kind of you! Don't tell me you went scouring while everyone hung behind!" smiled Lindsey.
Plucking the berries gently, Lindsey took out a pouch and slid the berries in, careful not to damage the delicate berries.
A few people were reading newspapers, watching the electric bulletin board, or surverying their Town Maps, but nobody paid any heed to the two trainers passing through and the brigade of rare Pokemon they brought with them, as if they were very used to League Trainers passing by throughout the long day.
Sylvie felt a little unimpressed when she stepped onto the mighty bridge, because it felt... bland. Enlightenment with Reshiram felt much, much better, by far, than just walking over a simple, manmade bridge.
A few other people were strolling over the bridge, ignorant of the heavy fog over the bridge and watching ships go down the two rivers in Unova, along with Basculin and Alomomola swimming towards the Entralink for some unknown reason.
Shiro's shiny pelt was glittering, as if it were the sea itself glittered underneath the sun, and Sylvie couldn't help but sigh in amazement at his sparkly, shiny pelt.
"What?" yelped Shiro. "Anything wrong, Sylvie?"
Sylvie turned her head away.
"N-nothing, of course. Nothing's impossible in this world, Shiro, but I'm afraid... never mind."
Shiro raised an eyebrow, then turned away blushing.
"Oh well... awkward..."
Lindsey and Zachary chuckled.
"Ah, seems like our Eeveelutions are having some flabbergastion at their nerves!" said the two Trainers.
Sarah teasingly looked at them.
"Sylvie and Shiro, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the Egg in the Daycare carriage!" teased the sassy Sylveon.
"Hey!" cried Sylvie and Shiro at the same time.
"Let's get on with it." growled Snivy. "I'm sick of this crap, lets move on. I want to see Castelia."
The four mighty towers loomed in the distance, clouded by pollution and fog. Swanna squawked overhead, and the horn of the Royal Unova echoed through the void.
"Last one to Castelia City is a rotten Exeggcute!" cried Oshawott.
As they ran over the bridge, Sylvie noticed something.
Bubbles were wafting up from the ocean, large ones that even a heavy Pokemon could sit on. It was odd, yes, but she wanted to focus on the task: get to the end of Skyarrow bridge.
"I feel like something is about to go terribly wrong.." whimpered a voice.
Behind them, a Serperior slithered and winced at the burns all over her body.
"Hey, Serperior! Why haven't you tried eating a Rawst Berry or using a Burn Heal?" asked Archen. "It would be much easier on you."
Serperior glared at the fossil Pokemon Samurott-like.
"Because I'm snaking-up. These aren't much, anyway. I could've gotten into worse when I was subject to an Emboar attack. Just, watch ou-"
Serperior was cut off by a blast of water, most likely a Hydro Pump, and an Alomomola leaping out of the water - only, it had glowing red eyes and a purple-grey color scheme.
"A Shadow Pokemon!" exclaimed Sylvie.
Sarah elbowed her with a ribbon.
"C'mon, we all know that. Don't do the cliched thing most heroes do." purred Sarah.
"Snaking up? Seriously?" was all Typhlosion said.
Alomomola immediately opened its mouth, and out came a Shadow Wave.
"Sheesh, it attacked us without even saying hello!" growled Ignacio. "I'll teach it a lesson!"
Ignacio immediately used Blizzard, summoning a bitter blizzard full of ice chunks. The Alomomola growled as the sheer cold tore at her, but it seemed to be ineffective.
Ignacio's eyes widened as the sluggish Shadow Wave hit her, square in the chest. A patch of purple opened up where the wave hit.
"Ugh... its truly powerful." growled Ignacio. "In fact, just one attack from a Shadow Pokemon does a lot of damage, they are engineered to be the ultimate Pokemon. My attacks do almost nothing... and I'm supposed to have good IVs."
Sarah raised an eyebrow.
"Whats an IV?" asked the Sylveon.
"No time for that now!" cried Sylvie. "Lindsey and Zachary are behind us, but if my estimates are correct, this Shadow Pokemon is powerful enough to finish us all off before our Trainers get here!"
Sarah rolled her eyes.
"Sheesh, sheesh. Fine, I'll ask the Pokedex later. For some reason it can understand our speech, which I think is the reason why it can record our cries." muttered Sarah.
Ignacio, angered by taking so much damage, got up close to the Alomomola that was flopping around on the Skyarrow bridge, and did a Hydro Pump at very close range. Alomomola winced, its red eyes full of pain, but nevertheless it seemed to enjoy the suffering of the Samurott.
In retaliation to the attack, the Alomomola used Shadow Claw, using its own power to make a paw connected to nothing, and scratched all of the opposing Pokemon very quickly.
As fast as a crazed Ludicolo, patches of sizzling shadow burns opened up on the bodies of all of the Pokemon.
"Hang in there, guys! We're coming!" cried Lindsey.
"You can do it! We have a Pokeball on hand to catch the Pokemon for purification!"
Suddenly, Espeon started moving around quickly, and without warning struck Alomomola with a strong Psychic. Alomomola flinched, and started to sweat... if Water-Types could sweat.
"I hate you!" spat Espeon. It was surprisingly like her, as she was reputed in the Town to have a fierce temper set off by the merest offense.
Out of nowhere, Sylvie and Sarah's necklaces started to glow.
"Hey... who put Christmas lights in my necklace?" cried Sarah.
As they were distracted by the sound of the necklaces charging up, Shadow Alomomola took the chance to use a potent Aqua Jet.
Slamming into the two Sylveons, the Shadow Pokemon started to savagely bite and whip them, doing its best to damage them.
Snivy used Vine Whip in the nick of time to avoid the Aqua Jet knocking Sylvie and Sarah unconscious.
"Don't thank me. I'm just doing this for evolution. I've heard that Shadow Pokemon make great ways to farm for some power." growled the Snivy.
"I... will mince you all..." snarled the Alomomola.
"Oh, so the victim talks! Ah! Well, eat the might of twins, sicko!" cried Sylvie.
The seashell necklaces stopped charging, and a large Moon Blast formed between Sylvie and Sarah. It dropped down from hovering, and rolled like a bowling ball towards Alomomola.
Alomomola's eyes widened as the Fairy-type attack bowled into it.
"No! Fairy-type - the only weakness of a Shadow Pokemon!"
A huge explosion erupted, and when the dust cleared, Alomomola was all but unconscious.
"Gotcha!" cried Zachary.
A Pokeball hit Alomomola, and it vanished in a burst of blue light.
One wiggle... two wiggles... three wiggles... click!
Stars came out of the ball, but immediately it shrunk.
"Looks like the Pokeball classified it as a Pokemon that can't be used in battle until it is purified. I'll send it over to Professor Juniper when we get to Castelia City." said Zachary.
Sylvie sighed.
"I wonder why it would attack us like that. Sure, they're heartless and blind, but even the most retarded Pokemon knows not to attack a large troupe of Pokemon without good attacks or help. Is Team Plasma THAT desperate to defeat us?"
Oshawott thumped his belly shell.
"No problem! We're feeling good despite some scars after that battle!" said the Pokemon, full of bloated pride.
Suddenly, a white light surrounded Oshawott.
"Hey! I'm evolving! To think I don't battle much!" exclaimed the otter Pokemon.
Zachary repeated what Oshawott said, for some odd reason.
Oshawott started to grow, and his shape started to change, growing sleeker, taller and with a rounded head. His neck was exposed, his shell split in two, and paws growing a little larger.
The light came off of Oshawott, and out emerged Dewott!
Ignacio patted Dewott on the shoulder.
"Hey, in no time you'll be just like me! Time to go to Castelia City and train together!" said Ignacio.
Dewott's eyes sparkled.
"R-Really?" stuttered Dewott. "You're awesome! I want to learn some moves, too!"
Ignacio chuckled.
"I learned all of my moves from TMs. Technical Machines are very useful, you know. Last time I checked, Lindsey and Zachary somehow had all of them. In fact, I recently learned Dig and Blizzard. Glad to see a fan of mine, though."
Zachary pumped his fist in the air.
"Awesome! You should be in a kung-fu movie, totally! Mienfoo and other karate Pokemon should be in it too!" cried the young boy.
Lindsey elbowed his blue jacket.
"What a geek. I only watch comedies and Pokemon shows these days." teased the girl.
Suddenly, black clouds started to roll in, and thunder rumbled. Sylvie thought she could hear the cry of a dragon inside the storm roaring.
Truth and ideals...
Sylvie shook her head. It wasn't possible the legendary Zekrom was coming to kill Sylvie... or was it?
"Oh, shizzle. Time to get into the Pokemon Center, everyone! RUNNNNNNN!" exclaimed Zachary. This time, it was he that got a head start.
As Lindsey sprinted behind him, Sylvie saw Dewott elbow Snivy.
"Hey, little guy. You haven't evolved yet, eh? Well, now the tables of elemental advantages have turned!" taunted Dewott.
"Oh, come off, Dewott. I'm evolving soon, just you wait!" replied the Snivy.
The Pokemon sprinted after their masters, pausing sometimes to grab a feather that fell from the sky.
Inside Castelia City, they saw many clerks running about, getting to their company or home. Some were muttering under their breath, others were screaming at another person, and yet others were as silent as ninjas.
"Ooh! Its a rare Pokemon! Catchie catchie!" said a fat clerk nearby.
Sylvie barely dodged a barrage of Luxury Balls, and growled.
"Ugh! Why does everyone want me?" snarled the distressed Sylveon.
Rain droplets started to fall when they reached the Pokemon Center. A large billboard showcasing a dancing Pikachu above flashed a lot. Tall buildings loomed like Onix, and lights flashed like stars high above them. The voices of many sung in the hub of activity.
Quickly dodging into the automatic doors of the Pokemon Center, they found many soaked workers lying on the chairs, and Pokemon being frantically healed by Nurse Joy from work battles at the Battle Company, Gamefreak, so on so forth. The Geonet and clubs at the top of the stairs were booming with users and tired receptionists, and the Pokemart was overwhelmed with buyers of Potions, mail, and other things.
"Eesh, the rumors about humans in Castelia caring only for themselves are true. Look at some of them push each other!" remarked Sarah. "Even rabid Jynx in line for makeup aren't this savage!"
Suddenly, a little girl is tossed out of the crowd, sobbing. She seems to grip a tasty Wiki berry in her fists, but is too caught up in sobbing on the polished floor to talk.
Lindsey seems too caught up in finding a seat to comfort the little girl, and Zachary was picking his nose (ew). So what did helpless Sylvie do?
"I have nothing else to do, so why not?"
Sylvie crept over to the crying girl, and held up a Rare Candy she found on the floor. It was desperate, yes, but it did the trick.
"Thanks Leafeon. I wuv you." squeaks the girl. Sylvie rolls her eyes at how she's always called a Shiny Leafeon for some reason, and cuddles the girl one last time before she crawls away, tears fresh on her cheeks, to find her mother within the crowd.
Sarah prods her in the back.
"Hey, sis. I understand you want to look at the girl for a little bit, but Lindsey just got a spot for us in the Pokemon Center. It's best we heal and get to talk with Audino a bit." says Sarah.
Sylvie nods, and sighs.
"What?" asks Sarah.
"Nothing." snapped Sylvie quickly.
Sarah tilted her head and raised an eyebrow.
"You seem... nervous about the storm. Oh well, maybe some massaging will help." mutters Sarah.
Sylvie, on end about the sudden storm, followed Sarah to Lindsey, each step laden with spikes that tried to warn her that she was about to face grave danger.
Sylvie didn't listen.. and paid for it later.
Author's Note: Ah, I finally finished this. I hope you enjoyed it.. that's all I can really say. No more Plasma appearances until the Desert Resort, I promise... so what could the storm be? Plot twist...
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Chapter 10: A Truthful Meeting
Just as Sylvie and Laura approached Nacrene City, Laura came to a screeching halt, eyes fearful.
"What is it?" asked Sylvie, looking back at Laura.
"I-if I leave the woods, the humans will kuh-capture me... Just go ahead. I'm having second thoughts. Don't worry, I'll follow you throughout the Unova Region." stuttered Laura.
Sylvie rolled her eyes.
"Don't be a scardey-Purrloin, Laura, that's ridiculous! Humans don't have a one-track mind!"
"Buh-but I saw my family captured by the malicious Team Plasma. I have since believed all humans think we are tools."
"No way, Laura! They feed us and pet us! Pokemon and humans team up because they share a strong desire for victory! We don't have to battle if we wish not to!" replied Sylvie.
"Even then, they will try. As a Sinnoh Pokemon, I am rare to them. I'll just follow you with stealth." said Laura, expression dark. All the while, Kennedy hobbled as a spirit Pokemon, moving ahead of them surprisingly fast.
Sylvie sighed.
"Fine, if you insist. I just don't want to lose a link to my past so soon." sighed Sylvie.
Laura snorted.
"No criminal organization can catch me. Just go, I'll be fine."
As Laura padded into the brush, Sylvie looked behind her as Kennedy advanced far ahead, then darted over concrete path.
When Sylvie got to Lindsey, she was holding Zachary's Basic Badge and polishing it as Zachary told her all about his match with Lenora.
"...and then, the schoolgirl told me that the answer was a locomotive! Since when did people start to use cars when there aren't a lot of roads for cars?" was all Sylvie heard, as she got back very slowly due to her bickering with Laura.
Ani was panting in a corner, tending to her own Pokemon and glaring at the two Trainers.
"I guess I'll find the legendary Mega-Stone that is said to give Pokemon immense power..." growled Ani.
Sylvie raised a fluffy eyebrow at Kennedy.
"Kennedy? Wasn't she supposed to be on our side now?" asked the Sylveon.
Kennedy rolled her green eyes.
"My bad. I meant she was DEFEATED, not recruited. Sorry." sighed Kennedy. "The Sylveon is sooooo naive."
Before Sylvie could reply, though, they quieted down as they heard Lindsey and Zachary talking, unaware that Ani was darting out the door with her own Pokemon.
"Would this be enough to get both of us into the league? These badges are infused with jewels that are analyzed by the delicate machinery there. Woe is me if I can't get in, I've dreamed for almost a decade to enter the Unova League and become Champion, the wisest one chosen to lead Unova with his Pokemon." asked Lindsey nervously.
"Re-lax." said Zachary. "I'll find a way to get us both in. Right now we should move on quickly, because Team Plasma is too troublesome to ignore. Besides, Lenora agreed to get us in no matter what."
Lindsey sighed, adjusting her cap.
"Fine, then, if you insist. Your father told us at the beginning that we should be careful, despite police officers protecting us along the routes where Pokemon roam free and that there is free medical care due to large taxes from retired Trainers." sighed Lindsey.
All of their master's Pokemon were out in the museum, being healed and checked on by the police officers and nurses that came to the crime scene. Typhlosion was being sprayed with an Ether, Ignacio was standing still to let her armor be sprayed with Max Potions and be tended to by gentle nurses, and the smaller Pokemon were on stretchers, Oshawott and Snivy for example.
Keldeo was gone, Shiro and Archen were being checked by police to investigate their poisoning, so on so forth. The only thing Sylvie found of interest was the stark white stone on the stand.
Sylvie didn't care about Sarah at the moment, because the stone... called her.
Her paws lightly touched the ground, making her feel like an angel. All the commotion around her seemed distant, like they were millions of miles away and she was in the true utopia.
The stone was on a pillar, emanating flames. She could feel it resisting the darkness underneath it, and Sylvie could imagine two dragons of black and white pelts combating for all eternity.
"The truth remains a mystery, and the ideal world has not been unlocked... which will you strive for?" muttered the stone, in a soothing voice that seemed like a harp playing. It seemed powerful, ancient, and feminine (despite seeming genderless).
Everything was in slow motion. The reporters and helping humans were moving as slowly as a Rhyperior, slowly taking one step, then another. Sylvie's own steps were faster, though, and as Sylvie moved she felt as if she were moving along a smooth path, flames lighting it, and her movements were as graceful as a ballerina.
It was truly an Ascension.
As Sylvie's body ribbons wafted around her, the stone rose up, surrounded by a blazing white aura, then exploded into a million shards, in glorious slow motion, and an apparition of a furred, white dragon with blue eyes appeared, glaring down at the small Pokemon.
"You are the Chosen Pokemon of Truth, I can sense it. Your sister is the Chosen Pokemon of Ideals, I see. Lindsey is the Chosen Hero of Truth. Zachary is the Chosen Hero of Ideals. The trio of Ignacio, Typhlosion, and Scarlet are legendary, truly. And last but not least.." sighed the great dragon.
Sylvie stared up at the dragon, with utter calm on her face, yet she had a growing lump in her belly.
"Wait. I'm no 'Chosen' one. Who are you? And what were you going to say?" asked Sylvie.
The dragon flapped her mighty wings, and a soft breeze overcame Sylvie.
"We are in the dimension of sleep for me, where everything is in slow motion. For I am but a sleeping soul, in a deep slumber, ready for the Chosen Ones to come.. The opposing force, of darkness that wishes to make an ideal world, is also asleep... the Plasma wishes to awaken it and use it to oppose the purpose of the Pokemon-human relationship... Ani, the evil one, is the Chosen One of Boundaries, the one used by Kyurem.. Storm is the Chosen Pokemon of Boundaries... Good luck..."
"Waaait! What is your name?" cried Sylvie
The stone started reforming around the white dragon. Her generator tail was glowing red and orange, but fading as the dragon started fading into stone.
"I am but the mere Reshiram, bringer of Truth, creation of Arceus... Farewell.."
The slow motion started to erode, and the world started to become black.
"Remember... the prophecy is starting... Never turn back from your fate..." whispered Reshiram, eyes now closing.
The will to speak and move was slowly stripped from Sylvie as the world started folding in, and the storm of stone shards collecting around the curled up Reshiram. She felt blackness closing in as the roars of dragons striking each other echoed in her ears.. and a voice called to her.
"Sylvie, Sylvie. Wake up. Wake up."
Sylvie got up, supported by Lindsey. She was dizzy after meeting the spirit of Reshiram, but the black-out was short and painless.
Remember...the prophecy is starting... Never turn back from your fate...
The words echoed in her head like a Supersonic that wouldn't go away.
Sylvie groggily stretched, and saw that an Espeon was by Lindsey's side, staring at her.
"Hello, Sylvie. I've heard much about you." said the Espeon, talking as if she had a Middle-Eastern accent.
Sylvie's paws twitched, and she nearly collapsed, but Espeon's strong telekinetic Psychic immediately caught her.
"Thanks for the save. I'm... just exhausted after making Ghetsis return the skull." sighed Sylvie.
They were still in the museum, but the bright rays of the sun were fading as night started to creep upon Unova, and everything had quieted down since Sylvie had entered the slumber dimension, where time passed slowly.
Espeon's eye twitched.
"Um... I think I recognize you. You're that Eevee named Sylvie from the disaster of the Eevee Clan long, long ago." said Espeon. "You always researched your legends of the six regions we were studying, which were Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos. You seemed especially intrigued by the legend of Xerneas, Yveltal and... um... I can't remember." said Espeon, her head jewel glowing.
"Yeah, um... that makes one Jolteon, one Glaceon, two Sylveons, one Leafeon, two Umbreons.. wow. All from the Eevee Clan. I guess that not as many Eevees and eeveelutions were borrowed as I think." stuttered Sylvie, cheeks flushed with red.
Lindsey raised an eyebrow.
"Are my two Pokemon gay or something? Their cheeks keep flushing. Ah well, better not talk about that." muttered Lindsey. Sylvie had to chuckle, because she thought it was funny how humans couldn't understand Pokemon under normal circumstances.
"Anyways, Sylvie, I found Espeon outside near the wreck of an airplane that landed near Nacrene City. The only survivor was this poor lil' Espeon with a twisted paw. She was so weak that I caught her with a Heal Ball, and since has looked up to me. It happened while I was unaware you were unconscious for seven hours though. For some reason nobody noticed you unconscious until now." said Lindsey, cooing and stroking Sylvie as she picked up Sylveon. Espeon nuzzled Lindsey, purring but flinching from the weight put on her twisted paw doing so. She seemed twitchy, as if she was bursting with energy and couldn't wait to go over the Skyarrow Bridge, running to her heart's content.
As Sylvie got comfortable in the soft arms of Lindsey, she saw the white stone resting on the pillar, a glass cube around it. Now that she had seen the Pokemon within it, Sylvie felt as if it were somehow connected to her, as if the stone thurmmed flames and breathed on its own accord.
"C'mon, we have to go." said Sylvie, kicking Lindsey. She knew that Lindsey was making her comfortable, but Sylvie was comfy enough snuggled among the mess of cushions inside the Luxury Ball and bathing in the secure bath of water beneath her seat in the ball... so she just wanted to see Castelia already and taste the creamy Casteliacones.
"Oh, right! Sylvie seems to be pawing me! I'm such an idiot sometimes, forgetting we have to go to the next gym! Let's go, everyone!" exclaimed Lindsey, facepalming.
As a light surrounded Sylvie and she withdrew into her ball, she smiled.
"Here we go, Burgh! I'm squashing your Leavanny, Swadloon and Whirlipede!" smirked Sylvie. Then, her voice turned cold as she remembered Reshiram's ominous and cryptic words.
You are the Chosen Pokemon of Truth, I can sense it.
What did a "Chosen Pokemon" do, exactly? Why was Reshiram so concerned about the "threat" of ideals that she defied being her slumber? And who was this "Storm" she spoke of?
Sylvie sighed, curling up as Lindsey attached the balls to her special-made belt, and headed out to Castelia City.
Author's Note: To mark the tenth chapter of Book 1: No Holds Barred, based off Black version, I have made a turning point! Several new characters, ominous words, and loads of backstory are what are included! Yes, this IS hinting at things that will happen in Book 2: Fusion Requires Sacrifice, and Book 3: Delicate Balance, along with others I may make to fit with the games being made (unfortunately from Book 3 onwards I will be relying on Let's Plays and wikis to get info on the next regions, so don't expect exactness), so keep your eyes peeled! Storm and Espeon belong to Ampharos92.
"What is it?" asked Sylvie, looking back at Laura.
"I-if I leave the woods, the humans will kuh-capture me... Just go ahead. I'm having second thoughts. Don't worry, I'll follow you throughout the Unova Region." stuttered Laura.
Sylvie rolled her eyes.
"Don't be a scardey-Purrloin, Laura, that's ridiculous! Humans don't have a one-track mind!"
"Buh-but I saw my family captured by the malicious Team Plasma. I have since believed all humans think we are tools."
"No way, Laura! They feed us and pet us! Pokemon and humans team up because they share a strong desire for victory! We don't have to battle if we wish not to!" replied Sylvie.
"Even then, they will try. As a Sinnoh Pokemon, I am rare to them. I'll just follow you with stealth." said Laura, expression dark. All the while, Kennedy hobbled as a spirit Pokemon, moving ahead of them surprisingly fast.
Sylvie sighed.
"Fine, if you insist. I just don't want to lose a link to my past so soon." sighed Sylvie.
Laura snorted.
"No criminal organization can catch me. Just go, I'll be fine."
As Laura padded into the brush, Sylvie looked behind her as Kennedy advanced far ahead, then darted over concrete path.
When Sylvie got to Lindsey, she was holding Zachary's Basic Badge and polishing it as Zachary told her all about his match with Lenora.
"...and then, the schoolgirl told me that the answer was a locomotive! Since when did people start to use cars when there aren't a lot of roads for cars?" was all Sylvie heard, as she got back very slowly due to her bickering with Laura.
Ani was panting in a corner, tending to her own Pokemon and glaring at the two Trainers.
"I guess I'll find the legendary Mega-Stone that is said to give Pokemon immense power..." growled Ani.
Sylvie raised a fluffy eyebrow at Kennedy.
"Kennedy? Wasn't she supposed to be on our side now?" asked the Sylveon.
Kennedy rolled her green eyes.
"My bad. I meant she was DEFEATED, not recruited. Sorry." sighed Kennedy. "The Sylveon is sooooo naive."
Before Sylvie could reply, though, they quieted down as they heard Lindsey and Zachary talking, unaware that Ani was darting out the door with her own Pokemon.
"Would this be enough to get both of us into the league? These badges are infused with jewels that are analyzed by the delicate machinery there. Woe is me if I can't get in, I've dreamed for almost a decade to enter the Unova League and become Champion, the wisest one chosen to lead Unova with his Pokemon." asked Lindsey nervously.
"Re-lax." said Zachary. "I'll find a way to get us both in. Right now we should move on quickly, because Team Plasma is too troublesome to ignore. Besides, Lenora agreed to get us in no matter what."
Lindsey sighed, adjusting her cap.
"Fine, then, if you insist. Your father told us at the beginning that we should be careful, despite police officers protecting us along the routes where Pokemon roam free and that there is free medical care due to large taxes from retired Trainers." sighed Lindsey.
All of their master's Pokemon were out in the museum, being healed and checked on by the police officers and nurses that came to the crime scene. Typhlosion was being sprayed with an Ether, Ignacio was standing still to let her armor be sprayed with Max Potions and be tended to by gentle nurses, and the smaller Pokemon were on stretchers, Oshawott and Snivy for example.
Keldeo was gone, Shiro and Archen were being checked by police to investigate their poisoning, so on so forth. The only thing Sylvie found of interest was the stark white stone on the stand.
Sylvie didn't care about Sarah at the moment, because the stone... called her.
Her paws lightly touched the ground, making her feel like an angel. All the commotion around her seemed distant, like they were millions of miles away and she was in the true utopia.
The stone was on a pillar, emanating flames. She could feel it resisting the darkness underneath it, and Sylvie could imagine two dragons of black and white pelts combating for all eternity.
"The truth remains a mystery, and the ideal world has not been unlocked... which will you strive for?" muttered the stone, in a soothing voice that seemed like a harp playing. It seemed powerful, ancient, and feminine (despite seeming genderless).
Everything was in slow motion. The reporters and helping humans were moving as slowly as a Rhyperior, slowly taking one step, then another. Sylvie's own steps were faster, though, and as Sylvie moved she felt as if she were moving along a smooth path, flames lighting it, and her movements were as graceful as a ballerina.
It was truly an Ascension.
As Sylvie's body ribbons wafted around her, the stone rose up, surrounded by a blazing white aura, then exploded into a million shards, in glorious slow motion, and an apparition of a furred, white dragon with blue eyes appeared, glaring down at the small Pokemon.
"You are the Chosen Pokemon of Truth, I can sense it. Your sister is the Chosen Pokemon of Ideals, I see. Lindsey is the Chosen Hero of Truth. Zachary is the Chosen Hero of Ideals. The trio of Ignacio, Typhlosion, and Scarlet are legendary, truly. And last but not least.." sighed the great dragon.
Sylvie stared up at the dragon, with utter calm on her face, yet she had a growing lump in her belly.
"Wait. I'm no 'Chosen' one. Who are you? And what were you going to say?" asked Sylvie.
The dragon flapped her mighty wings, and a soft breeze overcame Sylvie.
"We are in the dimension of sleep for me, where everything is in slow motion. For I am but a sleeping soul, in a deep slumber, ready for the Chosen Ones to come.. The opposing force, of darkness that wishes to make an ideal world, is also asleep... the Plasma wishes to awaken it and use it to oppose the purpose of the Pokemon-human relationship... Ani, the evil one, is the Chosen One of Boundaries, the one used by Kyurem.. Storm is the Chosen Pokemon of Boundaries... Good luck..."
"Waaait! What is your name?" cried Sylvie
The stone started reforming around the white dragon. Her generator tail was glowing red and orange, but fading as the dragon started fading into stone.
"I am but the mere Reshiram, bringer of Truth, creation of Arceus... Farewell.."
The slow motion started to erode, and the world started to become black.
"Remember... the prophecy is starting... Never turn back from your fate..." whispered Reshiram, eyes now closing.
The will to speak and move was slowly stripped from Sylvie as the world started folding in, and the storm of stone shards collecting around the curled up Reshiram. She felt blackness closing in as the roars of dragons striking each other echoed in her ears.. and a voice called to her.
"Sylvie, Sylvie. Wake up. Wake up."
Sylvie got up, supported by Lindsey. She was dizzy after meeting the spirit of Reshiram, but the black-out was short and painless.
Remember...the prophecy is starting... Never turn back from your fate...
The words echoed in her head like a Supersonic that wouldn't go away.
Sylvie groggily stretched, and saw that an Espeon was by Lindsey's side, staring at her.
"Hello, Sylvie. I've heard much about you." said the Espeon, talking as if she had a Middle-Eastern accent.
Sylvie's paws twitched, and she nearly collapsed, but Espeon's strong telekinetic Psychic immediately caught her.
"Thanks for the save. I'm... just exhausted after making Ghetsis return the skull." sighed Sylvie.
They were still in the museum, but the bright rays of the sun were fading as night started to creep upon Unova, and everything had quieted down since Sylvie had entered the slumber dimension, where time passed slowly.
Espeon's eye twitched.
"Um... I think I recognize you. You're that Eevee named Sylvie from the disaster of the Eevee Clan long, long ago." said Espeon. "You always researched your legends of the six regions we were studying, which were Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos. You seemed especially intrigued by the legend of Xerneas, Yveltal and... um... I can't remember." said Espeon, her head jewel glowing.
"Yeah, um... that makes one Jolteon, one Glaceon, two Sylveons, one Leafeon, two Umbreons.. wow. All from the Eevee Clan. I guess that not as many Eevees and eeveelutions were borrowed as I think." stuttered Sylvie, cheeks flushed with red.
Lindsey raised an eyebrow.
"Are my two Pokemon gay or something? Their cheeks keep flushing. Ah well, better not talk about that." muttered Lindsey. Sylvie had to chuckle, because she thought it was funny how humans couldn't understand Pokemon under normal circumstances.
"Anyways, Sylvie, I found Espeon outside near the wreck of an airplane that landed near Nacrene City. The only survivor was this poor lil' Espeon with a twisted paw. She was so weak that I caught her with a Heal Ball, and since has looked up to me. It happened while I was unaware you were unconscious for seven hours though. For some reason nobody noticed you unconscious until now." said Lindsey, cooing and stroking Sylvie as she picked up Sylveon. Espeon nuzzled Lindsey, purring but flinching from the weight put on her twisted paw doing so. She seemed twitchy, as if she was bursting with energy and couldn't wait to go over the Skyarrow Bridge, running to her heart's content.
As Sylvie got comfortable in the soft arms of Lindsey, she saw the white stone resting on the pillar, a glass cube around it. Now that she had seen the Pokemon within it, Sylvie felt as if it were somehow connected to her, as if the stone thurmmed flames and breathed on its own accord.
"C'mon, we have to go." said Sylvie, kicking Lindsey. She knew that Lindsey was making her comfortable, but Sylvie was comfy enough snuggled among the mess of cushions inside the Luxury Ball and bathing in the secure bath of water beneath her seat in the ball... so she just wanted to see Castelia already and taste the creamy Casteliacones.
"Oh, right! Sylvie seems to be pawing me! I'm such an idiot sometimes, forgetting we have to go to the next gym! Let's go, everyone!" exclaimed Lindsey, facepalming.
As a light surrounded Sylvie and she withdrew into her ball, she smiled.
"Here we go, Burgh! I'm squashing your Leavanny, Swadloon and Whirlipede!" smirked Sylvie. Then, her voice turned cold as she remembered Reshiram's ominous and cryptic words.
You are the Chosen Pokemon of Truth, I can sense it.
What did a "Chosen Pokemon" do, exactly? Why was Reshiram so concerned about the "threat" of ideals that she defied being her slumber? And who was this "Storm" she spoke of?
Sylvie sighed, curling up as Lindsey attached the balls to her special-made belt, and headed out to Castelia City.
Author's Note: To mark the tenth chapter of Book 1: No Holds Barred, based off Black version, I have made a turning point! Several new characters, ominous words, and loads of backstory are what are included! Yes, this IS hinting at things that will happen in Book 2: Fusion Requires Sacrifice, and Book 3: Delicate Balance, along with others I may make to fit with the games being made (unfortunately from Book 3 onwards I will be relying on Let's Plays and wikis to get info on the next regions, so don't expect exactness), so keep your eyes peeled! Storm and Espeon belong to Ampharos92.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Chapter 9: A New Friend
Sylvie looked up, and saw Shiro.
"Shiro?" she gasped.
Shiro cackled coldly.
"Call me Dark Shiro now, Sylvie."
Before Sylvie could decipher what happened, Shiro headbutted her with Zen Headbutt, and started flailing to deal extra damage.
"Sylvie, no! Use Swift on Shiro!" cried Lindsey.
Sarah stepped in, smiling.
"Pokemon to the rescue," said Sarah.
"Go easy on him. Shiro is still Shiro, just brainwashed." replied Sylvie through clenched teeth.
Sylvie unleashed many stars, and it was all Shiro could do to get away from the Sylveon and dodge.
Sarah did the same, but this time it hit.
"Argh... the power..." growled Shiro, a bruise on his leg.
"Sylvie! While he's recovering, use Sand Attack!" cried Lindsey.
"Are you insane? I don't know that move!" cried Sylvie.
"Just kick up some dust!"
Just as Shiro got ready a Dark Pulse, harboring his darkest thoughts, Sylvie turned backwards and kicked a dusty sign fiercely, kicking up dust.
"Augh!" cried Shiro, dust in his eyes. The pulse clumsily came out, but didn't hit Sylvie or Sarah.
"Let me finish this. We need to find a way to break Shiro's Dark Ball." said Typhlosion.
In the corner of her eye, Sylvie saw Zachary running down the stairs, ready to command his Pokemon.
"Typhlosion! Use Blast Burn!" cried Zachary.
"Fine. Don't expect me to be able to use it again too soon, though." replied the large Pokemon.
Flames flaring up, Typhlosion blew fire from his mouth. Columns of fire rose around him, and started to zoom in on the Shadow Elite.
"Kennedy to Keldeo. Blast the flames with Hydro Pump, now!" growled Kennedy.
Meanwhile, Ani watched it all, face as hard as steel, and seemingly happy to see Pokemon injured.
Dark Keldeo let loose a powerful blast of water, but alas, the fire was seemingly unaffected.
"Ungh!" cried Kennedy as the flames ripped at the Pokemon.
"What happened to Archen and Shiro?" cried Zachary.
"Somehow, this 'Team Plasma' managed to turn them against us! The legendaries Keldeo and Terrakion are also under their spell!" replied Lindsey.
"How do we free them?"
"I dunno! Try breaking the balls that contain the Shadow Elite! Make them faint, then target the ball they go into!"
Zachary seemed to nod as the flames died down.
"Huff..huff.." huffed Typhlosion.
"Typhlosion, return! Come on out, Oshawott!" cried Zachary.
A red light enveloped Typhlosion, and Oshawott appeared in his stead.
"Wow. Better get moving." said Oshawott as he saw the enemy.
Shiro and Kennedy were crumpled, burns covering them (of course, Kennedy was retracted into her stone), but Keldeo, Terrakion and Archen were okay.
"Return, Shiro and Kennedy!" cried Ani.
Eyes narrowing, Sylvie saw Shiro go into a deep purple ball and Kennedy into a white and orange ball.
Purple... white and orange...
"Sarah! Attack the white and orange ball! I'll attack the purple one!" cried Sylvie.
"Fine." said Sarah.
Whipping out her ribbons, Sarah cracked her ribbons on the Timer Ball Kennedy went into, whipping them relentlessly.
"Hey!" cried Ani.
Seeing what they were attempting, Zachary pointed his hand.
"Oshawott, use Razor Shell on the purple ball! We need to get Shiro back!" cried Zachary.
"Of course! He's a nice guy!" replied Oshawott.
Sylvie let Oshawott take out his belly shell and use it to attack Shiro's Ball, then decided to attack Archen first to try to get him back.
"Archen! Over here!" cried Sylvie.
Archen's eyes darted over to Sylvie.
"Over I come, enemy." hissed Archen.
As he glided over, Archen started to use Ancient Power.
"Egad!" cried Sylvie, eyes widening.
"Taste boulders, enemy!"
The rocks swelled until they were about the size of the dragon skeleton, then flew out.
Sylvie tried to run, but in the end the rocks found her.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" screamed Sylvie.
The rocks were razor-sharp, boring into her fur. Above her, Sylvie could hear Archen cackling.
"This is the end..."
Suddenly, though, the rocks broke above her, shattered by a force.
A black Umbreon appeared, panting.
"Shiro?" cried Sylvie.
"Sarah freed me... Please.. just give chase to the thugs who stole the skeleton..."
panted Shiro, covered with bruises head to toe.
"Wait! No! I'll stay and fight until I cannot!"
"Just go! I'll free Archen and the Musketeers! Kennedy has also been freed, but is too weak to fight! Go!"
Sylvie quivered, then sighed.
"If you must."
Darting out the door, Sylvie ran towards the Pinwheel Forest.
Running through the street, Sylvie tried hard to avoid human eyes, which worked
"Look! Its a rare Pokemon! Get it!" cried a voice.
"Aah! Get away from me!" cried Sylvie.
Risking a glance behind her, Sylvie saw three Youngsters pursing her, clutching Pokeballs.
"Get over here so that my Patrat can knock you out!" cried the lead Youngster.
"Let my Purrloin use Scratch!" cried another.
"Come back! My Lillipup wants to use his Tackle on you!" cried the last one.
"Never!" replied Sylvie.
A ball hit her, but bounced off harmlessly.
"Wait, has it been caught already? Aww...."
Sylvie let out a whew, as she was worried that the youngsters would keep on pursing her.
Pinwheels were inserted into the grass by the asphalt road, blowing in the breeze.
"I need to hurry! Who knows what has happened by now..."
Suddenly, she saw a dark gap in the trees, with a sign by it that said:
Sylvie sighed.
"I'm here. Time to look for the skull."
She dove into the darkness, unaware of what may happen.
Sylvie emerged in the dark forest, trees ruffling and leaves falling. Several humans were wandering around, admiring the Shroomish and Foongus wandering around and searching for the elemental monkeys in rustling grass.
"Hey! That's MY tall grass, human!" cried an Audino.
Sylvie decided not to look, and ran off to a side path.
Branches fell behind her, and Caterpie glared at the pink Pokemon as she crunched over leaves.
"I wonder how humans never saw non-native Pokemon here... I mean, they're here, just hard to come by! Sigh..." pondered Sylvie.
Nearby, she saw large mushrooms growing, but avoided them when she saw little eyes on them.
As she ran through, though, Sylvie saw a moss-covered rock surrounded by tall grass.
"Huh... I feel the aura of a Leafeon here.." she mumbled. "I should investigate. Maybe I can find a new friend."
Charging up energy, she used Fire Spin, burning away some tall grass and clearing a safe path to the mossy rock.
"Careful, Sylvie... a Pokemon Ranger may appear and try to catch me..."
"W-who said that?" cried Sylvie. "Show yourself, or f-feel the wrath of my fearsome Fire Spin!"
A Leafeon leapt onto the mossy rock.
"Why, hello, Sylvie. I'm Laura. Why are you here?" said the Leafeon, the sunlight streaming through the leaves hitting the leaves on Laura beautifully.
"Who are you," asked Sylvie, raising an eyebrow, "and how do you know my name?"
Laura purred.
"Sylvie, I've heard about you from N. I am his loyal Pokemon, and I wish to help you find a skull that I think you may want to see." said Laura.
Sylvie felt starstruck by Laura. She reminded her so much of...Ariel.
"Um... sure. Just don't lead me into any sorta Team Plasma trap, please." stammered Sylvie.
Laura laughed, and tossed some of her leafy fur to the side of her head.
"Why should I? You aren't really any threat or anything. Let's just be friends, I don't want to fight you."
Sylvie raised an eyebrow.
"Um... okay. Can you tell me more about N, though? He seems.. mysterious."
Laura laughed.
"Eh, I don't know much. He just can talk to me for some reason, and has a dang good cooking skill. In fact, you should try some of his delicious Bluk Pies sometime! He should win Unova's Best Cook for that." replied Laura.
Sylvie nodded.
"Just show me the skull, please, I don't have much time."
Lauren nodded.
"Okay, I don't mind."
Lauren bounded deeper into the woods, and Sylvie had no choice but to follow.
"I. Just. Love. Logs." grumbled Laura, voice full of sarcasm.
"Say... that rock felt smooth to the touch. Any idea what the rock does?" replied Sylvie.
They were balancing on a slippery hollow log high above a bottomless abyss, trying their best not to be swallowed by the fog beneath them. Like the white fur of Reshiram...
Laura shrugged.
"Eh, I dunno. N came here with me one day, and we trained a bit. I was an Eevee from the Eevee Clan back then... and all of a sudden, I evolved!" replied Laura.
Sylvie's eyes widened, and she nearly teetered over.
"Laura... I once was also a part of the Eevee Clan. Do you remember Ariel, and the attack?" asked Sylvie.
Laura raised an eyebrow.
"Barely, but yes. Ariel was a sweet Vaporeon, and she always talked about her children, Sylvie, Sarah and Storm. Then, one day, Team Plasma attacked, burning the Eevee Tree to the ground and stealing everything the clan had. Shortly afterwards, N rescued me and my sister Espeon... but Espeon was captured by Team Rocket in the night, was carried away on a plane, and we never heard from her again." said Laura, sadly.
"Laura! I'm Sylvie, and my twin Sarah is also safe! But I know that our mother is now in Team Plasma..." cried Sylvie.
Laura's leaf tail curled around Sylvie, and Sylvie's longest ribbon curled around Laura.
"I hope you get over it, friend." they said in unison, tears running down their cheeks.
Just then, they arrived on the other side of the chasm, and they lightened up.
"Sylvie! We're almost to the skull now! Let's hurry before somebody else gets it!"
Sylvie nodded, and started running ahead.
They went through many hollows and logs, going up and down hills and ducking under trees, but finally, they reached a small cavern carved into the side of a hill. Dried Basculin and berries were hung by strings from the entrance, and a vast variety of relics were scattered around.
"This is my home. Some men dressed in black came here earlier, deposited a skull, then left. I've dug many rooms and decorated my home, but for now.. we'll just take the skull to the museum." said Laura.
"Its nice, Laura! Say, when I have time, I would like to come back here and explore!" replied Sylvie.
Laura nodded.
"Wait for me here. Its best that you stay outside to make sure the black men don't come back and that you can get surprised by my den whenever you can come over... if that made sense." smiled Laura.
Laura pounced, and went right through the Liepard furs draped across the cave door to keep heat in and weather/ Pokemon out.
As Sylvie waited, she foraged for any berries near the cave, sniffing for the scent of anything.
She smelled nothing but the pooled trails of various Pokemon, and... Team Plasma humans?!
"Laura! Hurry up! Team Plasma is coming!" cried Sylvie.
"Great. I've got the skull, try your best to distract Team Plasma while I lug the heavy thing out!" replied Laura's faint voice.
Sylvie nodded.
She saw a Geodude crawling around, looking for rocks to consume, and had a good idea.
"Sorry, Geodude, I just need you for a second." whispered Sylvie.
Clutching one of the rock's arms, she started to swing it around.
"Aah! Flying Geodude coming through!" she cried, and swung the Geodude out.
"Eep." growled the Pokemon as it plunked into the trees.
Dusting off her paws, Sylvie heard some human growls and their loud feet tramping over to where the Geodude landed.
Laura hurried out, bulky skull strapped to her back.
"Okay, go in front of me! Lets get to the museum before Team Plasma catches us!" cried Sylvie.
Laura nodded.
"I certainly don't want this nice skull to be taken away from me. I've grown rather fond of it, although I'll be willing for the museum to take it." said Laura.
Sylvie pushed Laura, and the Leafeon buckled before she regained balance and crashed through the bushes.
A Skunktank lumbered out of nowhere, somehow right in Laura's path.
"Do do da dee dee... DEEAAHHHH!" whistled the Skunktank.
Laura and Sylvie charged right over the Poison-type Pokemon, trampling it and leaving it wondering what happened.
As they barreled through the forest like maniacs, Sylvie tried her best to lift them up as to get them a better way to escape from Team Plasma.
"Y-you can fly with those r-ribbons of yours? I've never seen a Flying-type Eeveelution." stammered Laura.
Sylvie rolled her eyes as they crashed down to the ground after an unsuccessful attempt at flight.
"I'm not a Flying-type, I just figured out a way to fly with my body parts.. did that sound right? Anyways, I'm a Fairy-type." said Sylvie.
Laura snorted.
"Yeah, right. Never heard of that type."
Sylvie rolled her eyes again.
"Its a newly-discovered type. Professor Juniper declared this new type recently. Not a lot of trainers and Pokemon know about it, though." said Sylvie.
"Oh well. Still, could you tell me your story to pass time? This forest is vaster than I knew." sighed Laura.
Sylvie cleared her throat.
"So, as I said before, I am part of the Kanto Region's Eevee Clan. I lived peacefully with Sarah, Ariel, Storm and my father (Could somebody remind me who Sylvie's father was? O.o). We were getting ready for our rituals to become true Eeveelutions when Team Plasma attacked and ruined everything. Both of us fled and found our ways to Kalos, while Storm was captured by a mysterious grey Pokemon. Our seashell necklaces were given to us by Ariel, but she was captured and turned against us, but seemed to give us bad fortune. We made our homes in Kalos, wondering where our family was, and we both evolved... not remembering how we did so. Then, the legendaries Yveltal and Xerneas attacked us (Yveltal me, Xerneas Sarah) and we went to Unova instead... and here we are."
Laura nodded, but just then, a Galvantula came out of nowhere and shot an ElectroWeb at them.
"Wha...Argghh!" cried Laura, caught in the web.
"Laura! No!" screeched Sylvie, but she too got caught by the web.
A large, robed man stepped out, and cackled.
"Ghetsis? You should lose weight, dude." growled Sylvie, wincing at the pain of the electric web.
Ghetsis laughed.
"My dear eeveelutions, I have a device so I can understand Pokemon, to explain things, to avoid any questions! Anyways, I'll flash you my skinny belly." said Ghetsis.
Sylvie and Laura looked away just in time to avoid looking at a hairy belly.
"So... Laura, hand over the skull! Team Plasma needs it to study the dragon!" shouted Ghetsis.
Sylvie snarled.
"Never!" cried Laura and Sylvie in unison.
Ghetsis laughed.
"You are denying the inevitable, eeveelutions. I will pick the skull from the Leafeon's body once my Galvantula finishes you off!" cackled Ghetsis.
Suddenly, a Shadow Ball hit the web, and the two were flung off the trap like cannonballs.
"Leave, Ghetsis!" cried a familiar voice.
"Kennedy!" cried Sylvie.
Kennedy smiled crookedly.
Ghetsis growled, then paused.
"Fine, have it your way." snarled Ghetsis. "Turns out that skeleton is of Dragonite, not Kyurem or Reshiram or Zekrom. I'll leave now. Over and out."
With a wave of his cape, Ghetsis left.
Kennedy smiled.
"Ani is free now. Follow me, Laura and Sylvie, we're moving on to Castelia now." said Kennedy.
Author's Note: Aah, the end of another chapter of the first No Holds Barred book! I'm going to have the next cities go by more quickly if I can do something about it, I find it irritating that this entire book will take almost 40 chapters to finish at this rate. Comment feedback, and be sure to watch out for Chapter 10!
"Shiro?" she gasped.
Shiro cackled coldly.
"Call me Dark Shiro now, Sylvie."
Before Sylvie could decipher what happened, Shiro headbutted her with Zen Headbutt, and started flailing to deal extra damage.
"Sylvie, no! Use Swift on Shiro!" cried Lindsey.
Sarah stepped in, smiling.
"Pokemon to the rescue," said Sarah.
"Go easy on him. Shiro is still Shiro, just brainwashed." replied Sylvie through clenched teeth.
Sylvie unleashed many stars, and it was all Shiro could do to get away from the Sylveon and dodge.
Sarah did the same, but this time it hit.
"Argh... the power..." growled Shiro, a bruise on his leg.
"Sylvie! While he's recovering, use Sand Attack!" cried Lindsey.
"Are you insane? I don't know that move!" cried Sylvie.
"Just kick up some dust!"
Just as Shiro got ready a Dark Pulse, harboring his darkest thoughts, Sylvie turned backwards and kicked a dusty sign fiercely, kicking up dust.
"Augh!" cried Shiro, dust in his eyes. The pulse clumsily came out, but didn't hit Sylvie or Sarah.
"Let me finish this. We need to find a way to break Shiro's Dark Ball." said Typhlosion.
In the corner of her eye, Sylvie saw Zachary running down the stairs, ready to command his Pokemon.
"Typhlosion! Use Blast Burn!" cried Zachary.
"Fine. Don't expect me to be able to use it again too soon, though." replied the large Pokemon.
Flames flaring up, Typhlosion blew fire from his mouth. Columns of fire rose around him, and started to zoom in on the Shadow Elite.
"Kennedy to Keldeo. Blast the flames with Hydro Pump, now!" growled Kennedy.
Meanwhile, Ani watched it all, face as hard as steel, and seemingly happy to see Pokemon injured.
Dark Keldeo let loose a powerful blast of water, but alas, the fire was seemingly unaffected.
"Ungh!" cried Kennedy as the flames ripped at the Pokemon.
"What happened to Archen and Shiro?" cried Zachary.
"Somehow, this 'Team Plasma' managed to turn them against us! The legendaries Keldeo and Terrakion are also under their spell!" replied Lindsey.
"How do we free them?"
"I dunno! Try breaking the balls that contain the Shadow Elite! Make them faint, then target the ball they go into!"
Zachary seemed to nod as the flames died down.
"Huff..huff.." huffed Typhlosion.
"Typhlosion, return! Come on out, Oshawott!" cried Zachary.
A red light enveloped Typhlosion, and Oshawott appeared in his stead.
"Wow. Better get moving." said Oshawott as he saw the enemy.
Shiro and Kennedy were crumpled, burns covering them (of course, Kennedy was retracted into her stone), but Keldeo, Terrakion and Archen were okay.
"Return, Shiro and Kennedy!" cried Ani.
Eyes narrowing, Sylvie saw Shiro go into a deep purple ball and Kennedy into a white and orange ball.
Purple... white and orange...
"Sarah! Attack the white and orange ball! I'll attack the purple one!" cried Sylvie.
"Fine." said Sarah.
Whipping out her ribbons, Sarah cracked her ribbons on the Timer Ball Kennedy went into, whipping them relentlessly.
"Hey!" cried Ani.
Seeing what they were attempting, Zachary pointed his hand.
"Oshawott, use Razor Shell on the purple ball! We need to get Shiro back!" cried Zachary.
"Of course! He's a nice guy!" replied Oshawott.
Sylvie let Oshawott take out his belly shell and use it to attack Shiro's Ball, then decided to attack Archen first to try to get him back.
"Archen! Over here!" cried Sylvie.
Archen's eyes darted over to Sylvie.
"Over I come, enemy." hissed Archen.
As he glided over, Archen started to use Ancient Power.
"Egad!" cried Sylvie, eyes widening.
"Taste boulders, enemy!"
The rocks swelled until they were about the size of the dragon skeleton, then flew out.
Sylvie tried to run, but in the end the rocks found her.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" screamed Sylvie.
The rocks were razor-sharp, boring into her fur. Above her, Sylvie could hear Archen cackling.
"This is the end..."
Suddenly, though, the rocks broke above her, shattered by a force.
A black Umbreon appeared, panting.
"Shiro?" cried Sylvie.
"Sarah freed me... Please.. just give chase to the thugs who stole the skeleton..."
panted Shiro, covered with bruises head to toe.
"Wait! No! I'll stay and fight until I cannot!"
"Just go! I'll free Archen and the Musketeers! Kennedy has also been freed, but is too weak to fight! Go!"
Sylvie quivered, then sighed.
"If you must."
Darting out the door, Sylvie ran towards the Pinwheel Forest.
Running through the street, Sylvie tried hard to avoid human eyes, which worked
"Look! Its a rare Pokemon! Get it!" cried a voice.
"Aah! Get away from me!" cried Sylvie.
Risking a glance behind her, Sylvie saw three Youngsters pursing her, clutching Pokeballs.
"Get over here so that my Patrat can knock you out!" cried the lead Youngster.
"Let my Purrloin use Scratch!" cried another.
"Come back! My Lillipup wants to use his Tackle on you!" cried the last one.
"Never!" replied Sylvie.
A ball hit her, but bounced off harmlessly.
"Wait, has it been caught already? Aww...."
Sylvie let out a whew, as she was worried that the youngsters would keep on pursing her.
Pinwheels were inserted into the grass by the asphalt road, blowing in the breeze.
"I need to hurry! Who knows what has happened by now..."
Suddenly, she saw a dark gap in the trees, with a sign by it that said:
Sylvie sighed.
"I'm here. Time to look for the skull."
She dove into the darkness, unaware of what may happen.
Sylvie emerged in the dark forest, trees ruffling and leaves falling. Several humans were wandering around, admiring the Shroomish and Foongus wandering around and searching for the elemental monkeys in rustling grass.
"Hey! That's MY tall grass, human!" cried an Audino.
Sylvie decided not to look, and ran off to a side path.
Branches fell behind her, and Caterpie glared at the pink Pokemon as she crunched over leaves.
"I wonder how humans never saw non-native Pokemon here... I mean, they're here, just hard to come by! Sigh..." pondered Sylvie.
Nearby, she saw large mushrooms growing, but avoided them when she saw little eyes on them.
As she ran through, though, Sylvie saw a moss-covered rock surrounded by tall grass.
"Huh... I feel the aura of a Leafeon here.." she mumbled. "I should investigate. Maybe I can find a new friend."
Charging up energy, she used Fire Spin, burning away some tall grass and clearing a safe path to the mossy rock.
"Careful, Sylvie... a Pokemon Ranger may appear and try to catch me..."
"W-who said that?" cried Sylvie. "Show yourself, or f-feel the wrath of my fearsome Fire Spin!"
A Leafeon leapt onto the mossy rock.
"Why, hello, Sylvie. I'm Laura. Why are you here?" said the Leafeon, the sunlight streaming through the leaves hitting the leaves on Laura beautifully.
"Who are you," asked Sylvie, raising an eyebrow, "and how do you know my name?"
Laura purred.
"Sylvie, I've heard about you from N. I am his loyal Pokemon, and I wish to help you find a skull that I think you may want to see." said Laura.
Sylvie felt starstruck by Laura. She reminded her so much of...Ariel.
"Um... sure. Just don't lead me into any sorta Team Plasma trap, please." stammered Sylvie.
Laura laughed, and tossed some of her leafy fur to the side of her head.
"Why should I? You aren't really any threat or anything. Let's just be friends, I don't want to fight you."
Sylvie raised an eyebrow.
"Um... okay. Can you tell me more about N, though? He seems.. mysterious."
Laura laughed.
"Eh, I don't know much. He just can talk to me for some reason, and has a dang good cooking skill. In fact, you should try some of his delicious Bluk Pies sometime! He should win Unova's Best Cook for that." replied Laura.
Sylvie nodded.
"Just show me the skull, please, I don't have much time."
Lauren nodded.
"Okay, I don't mind."
Lauren bounded deeper into the woods, and Sylvie had no choice but to follow.
"I. Just. Love. Logs." grumbled Laura, voice full of sarcasm.
"Say... that rock felt smooth to the touch. Any idea what the rock does?" replied Sylvie.
They were balancing on a slippery hollow log high above a bottomless abyss, trying their best not to be swallowed by the fog beneath them. Like the white fur of Reshiram...
Laura shrugged.
"Eh, I dunno. N came here with me one day, and we trained a bit. I was an Eevee from the Eevee Clan back then... and all of a sudden, I evolved!" replied Laura.
Sylvie's eyes widened, and she nearly teetered over.
"Laura... I once was also a part of the Eevee Clan. Do you remember Ariel, and the attack?" asked Sylvie.
Laura raised an eyebrow.
"Barely, but yes. Ariel was a sweet Vaporeon, and she always talked about her children, Sylvie, Sarah and Storm. Then, one day, Team Plasma attacked, burning the Eevee Tree to the ground and stealing everything the clan had. Shortly afterwards, N rescued me and my sister Espeon... but Espeon was captured by Team Rocket in the night, was carried away on a plane, and we never heard from her again." said Laura, sadly.
"Laura! I'm Sylvie, and my twin Sarah is also safe! But I know that our mother is now in Team Plasma..." cried Sylvie.
Laura's leaf tail curled around Sylvie, and Sylvie's longest ribbon curled around Laura.
"I hope you get over it, friend." they said in unison, tears running down their cheeks.
Just then, they arrived on the other side of the chasm, and they lightened up.
"Sylvie! We're almost to the skull now! Let's hurry before somebody else gets it!"
Sylvie nodded, and started running ahead.
They went through many hollows and logs, going up and down hills and ducking under trees, but finally, they reached a small cavern carved into the side of a hill. Dried Basculin and berries were hung by strings from the entrance, and a vast variety of relics were scattered around.
"This is my home. Some men dressed in black came here earlier, deposited a skull, then left. I've dug many rooms and decorated my home, but for now.. we'll just take the skull to the museum." said Laura.
"Its nice, Laura! Say, when I have time, I would like to come back here and explore!" replied Sylvie.
Laura nodded.
"Wait for me here. Its best that you stay outside to make sure the black men don't come back and that you can get surprised by my den whenever you can come over... if that made sense." smiled Laura.
Laura pounced, and went right through the Liepard furs draped across the cave door to keep heat in and weather/ Pokemon out.
As Sylvie waited, she foraged for any berries near the cave, sniffing for the scent of anything.
She smelled nothing but the pooled trails of various Pokemon, and... Team Plasma humans?!
"Laura! Hurry up! Team Plasma is coming!" cried Sylvie.
"Great. I've got the skull, try your best to distract Team Plasma while I lug the heavy thing out!" replied Laura's faint voice.
Sylvie nodded.
She saw a Geodude crawling around, looking for rocks to consume, and had a good idea.
"Sorry, Geodude, I just need you for a second." whispered Sylvie.
Clutching one of the rock's arms, she started to swing it around.
"Aah! Flying Geodude coming through!" she cried, and swung the Geodude out.
"Eep." growled the Pokemon as it plunked into the trees.
Dusting off her paws, Sylvie heard some human growls and their loud feet tramping over to where the Geodude landed.
Laura hurried out, bulky skull strapped to her back.
"Okay, go in front of me! Lets get to the museum before Team Plasma catches us!" cried Sylvie.
Laura nodded.
"I certainly don't want this nice skull to be taken away from me. I've grown rather fond of it, although I'll be willing for the museum to take it." said Laura.
Sylvie pushed Laura, and the Leafeon buckled before she regained balance and crashed through the bushes.
A Skunktank lumbered out of nowhere, somehow right in Laura's path.
"Do do da dee dee... DEEAAHHHH!" whistled the Skunktank.
Laura and Sylvie charged right over the Poison-type Pokemon, trampling it and leaving it wondering what happened.
As they barreled through the forest like maniacs, Sylvie tried her best to lift them up as to get them a better way to escape from Team Plasma.
"Y-you can fly with those r-ribbons of yours? I've never seen a Flying-type Eeveelution." stammered Laura.
Sylvie rolled her eyes as they crashed down to the ground after an unsuccessful attempt at flight.
"I'm not a Flying-type, I just figured out a way to fly with my body parts.. did that sound right? Anyways, I'm a Fairy-type." said Sylvie.
Laura snorted.
"Yeah, right. Never heard of that type."
Sylvie rolled her eyes again.
"Its a newly-discovered type. Professor Juniper declared this new type recently. Not a lot of trainers and Pokemon know about it, though." said Sylvie.
"Oh well. Still, could you tell me your story to pass time? This forest is vaster than I knew." sighed Laura.
Sylvie cleared her throat.
"So, as I said before, I am part of the Kanto Region's Eevee Clan. I lived peacefully with Sarah, Ariel, Storm and my father (Could somebody remind me who Sylvie's father was? O.o). We were getting ready for our rituals to become true Eeveelutions when Team Plasma attacked and ruined everything. Both of us fled and found our ways to Kalos, while Storm was captured by a mysterious grey Pokemon. Our seashell necklaces were given to us by Ariel, but she was captured and turned against us, but seemed to give us bad fortune. We made our homes in Kalos, wondering where our family was, and we both evolved... not remembering how we did so. Then, the legendaries Yveltal and Xerneas attacked us (Yveltal me, Xerneas Sarah) and we went to Unova instead... and here we are."
Laura nodded, but just then, a Galvantula came out of nowhere and shot an ElectroWeb at them.
"Wha...Argghh!" cried Laura, caught in the web.
"Laura! No!" screeched Sylvie, but she too got caught by the web.
A large, robed man stepped out, and cackled.
"Ghetsis? You should lose weight, dude." growled Sylvie, wincing at the pain of the electric web.
Ghetsis laughed.
"My dear eeveelutions, I have a device so I can understand Pokemon, to explain things, to avoid any questions! Anyways, I'll flash you my skinny belly." said Ghetsis.
Sylvie and Laura looked away just in time to avoid looking at a hairy belly.
"So... Laura, hand over the skull! Team Plasma needs it to study the dragon!" shouted Ghetsis.
Sylvie snarled.
"Never!" cried Laura and Sylvie in unison.
Ghetsis laughed.
"You are denying the inevitable, eeveelutions. I will pick the skull from the Leafeon's body once my Galvantula finishes you off!" cackled Ghetsis.
Suddenly, a Shadow Ball hit the web, and the two were flung off the trap like cannonballs.
"Leave, Ghetsis!" cried a familiar voice.
"Kennedy!" cried Sylvie.
Kennedy smiled crookedly.
Ghetsis growled, then paused.
"Fine, have it your way." snarled Ghetsis. "Turns out that skeleton is of Dragonite, not Kyurem or Reshiram or Zekrom. I'll leave now. Over and out."
With a wave of his cape, Ghetsis left.
Kennedy smiled.
"Ani is free now. Follow me, Laura and Sylvie, we're moving on to Castelia now." said Kennedy.
Author's Note: Aah, the end of another chapter of the first No Holds Barred book! I'm going to have the next cities go by more quickly if I can do something about it, I find it irritating that this entire book will take almost 40 chapters to finish at this rate. Comment feedback, and be sure to watch out for Chapter 10!
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Chapter 8: Stolen
Sylvie and Sarah were snoring in their beds when Lindsey and Zachary woke up, Snivy and the others awakening.
"Hey, the Sylveons are still asleep!" said Zachary. "I wonder what would keep them up all night... Maybe the cries of the Sawk and Throh training in the forest?"
Lindsey grabbed Sylvie, and shook her.
"Wake up! We're challenging Lenora today!" said Lindsey.
"Don't shake me." muttered Sylvie, half-asleep.
"I have some Lavaridge cookies for you..."
Sylvie jolted awake, and started drooling.
"Lavaridge cookies? Where?" she exclaimed, her eyes wide open.
"Here! Have them for waking up!" said Lindsey.
She smiled, and threw Sylvie a cookie.
Sylvie wolfed it down, rubbing crumbs from her cheeks and grinning.
Meanwhile, Zachary vigorously shook Sarah.
"Wake up! I want to see the artifacts in the museum!" cried Zachary.
"I never knew you liked old things." said Lindsey.
Ignoring his traveling companion, Zachary took something out of his backpack, straightened his red cap, and waved a Mago berry.
"I have a tasty Mago berry, Sarah..." said Zachary.
"Zzzzzz." replied Sarah.
"Um... here is some Slow Makeup!" said Zachary, taking out a Poke-Makeup dish and sliding his Mago berry in his bag.
"Makeup? Give me it so I can look pretty!" said Sarah, jolting awake.
Sylvie chuckled as Zachary brushed on makeup on Sarah, making Sarah look more and more petite and stylish.
"Now that we're all awake, we're going to eat breakfast downstairs while you can go to the Nacrene Museum in advance!" said Lindsey cheerfully.
Typhlosion and Ignacio yawned, while Snivy and Oshawott cheered.
"Well, I guess we can see the infamous warehouses and railroad tracks then!" said Sylvie.
"I don't see the point of retro things. They're outdated, rusty, old..." muttered Sarah.
"Hey, Ms. Grouchy, cheer up! We'll have some time to enjoy some peace and quiet, okay?" replied Sylvie, nudging her.
"If you say so." grumbled Sarah, licking her leg to try to straighten her fur.
As the Pokemon went out the door one-by-one, Ignacio shook her head, beard swishing in the draft of the AC.
"I have a bad feeling that something will happen.." muttered Ignacio.
They ventured out into the streets, Ignacio and Typhlosion guarding the crowd of little Pokemon to make sure that no thieves or over-enthusiastic children could harm them.
Several Lillipups sniffed and wandered over to them, but one glare from Ignacio would send them away.
As they approached the museum, Sylvie smiled.
"Thanks, Ignacio and Typhlosion. Next time I approach a Castelia City crowd, I'll ask you two to come along." said Sylvie.
Ignacio winked, her steely cold expression she wore while battling or glaring peeled off like a banana.
"You're welcome, Sylvie. I like seeing Pokemon flee from me... too bad that this Hydreigon you talk about doesn't realize that its a pleasure few get to enjoy." sad Ignacio.
"Say, Ignacio, why were you named a boy's name if you're a girl?" asked Sarah, butting in.
Ignacio's cold steel face was applied on again.
"I do not know, twin of my friend, but do not ask me that... or feel the wrath of my claws." hissed Ignacio, glaring down at the small Sylveon.
"Okay, okay! Sheesh!" cried Sarah, backing away.
"Hello there, it seems as if a Pokemon group is visiting today! That will cost 1000 PokeDollars." said the girl at the door politely.
Typhlosion tossed her a thousand-dollar bill, flashing his pearly white fangs.
"You may enter! Remember, our security is top-notch, we guard our artifacts fiercely!" said the lady as the doors swung open for them.
To prove it, the lady snapped her fingers. Thousands of intricate lasers and security cameras popped up, disguised using Kecleon-esque technology.
"Woah! I would worry more about my skin than the artifacts!" exclaimed Oshawott, thumping his seashell.
"Don't worry. These lasers and security cameras are made to not harm human nor Pokemon alike." said Sylvie.
"Since when were you the nerd?" growled Snivy, her hands crossed.
Sylvie raised her eyebrows, if she had any over her blue eyes.
"Well, grinch, I listen to the tour guides going around Unova when I traveled as a wild Pokemon, thankyouverymuch." replied Sylvie, tossing her ribbons like it wasn't a big deal.
Snivy let out a large haarumph like Clay the Gym Leader, and rolled her eyes.
As they entered, Typhlosion's eyes lit up.
"Hey! Free Poffins!" he exclaimed.
"Can we have some?" exclaimed Shiro, his blue rings flashing.
Typhlosion chuckled.
"No, I'm eating them all!" said Typhlosion.
"Oh, come on! Some of us are hungry!" grumbled Archeops and Shiro in unison.
"Wow, you two are like Siamese Twins!" remarked Ignacio. "Inseparable emotions!"
Sylvie and Sarah glared at her as well as Ignacio herself could.
"Never mind about that. Still, you guys seem to be inseparable!" said Ignacio quickly, fidgeting.
Typhlosion watched their conversation as he indulged himself on Oran Berry Poffins, and sighed.
Reaching into the basket of poffins, he took a Persim Berry Poffin and gave it to Shiro. Shiro ate it like a Gulpin.
"Thanks, dude! Could you pass 'em out, if you were joking? ...At least, I take it that way..." said Shiro between huge bites.
"No worries, I was joking. Who's ready for a Poffin feast?" said Typhlosion, giving Shiro a noogie.
"Hey!" said Archen, clawing Typhlosion.
Ignacio glared at the Pokemon.
"You know, he still could take away your share..." said Ignacio.
She didn't need to say any more.
"Okay, okay! Sorry!" said Archen.
Ignacio smiled.
"That's more like it."
After everyone finished their Poffins, Sylvie took the opportunity to show off what she knew.
"So, this is the skeleton of a Pokemon that flew around the world! It resembles a Dragonite for some reason..." said Sylvie as they approached a giant skeleton propped up on metal tubes.
"Ooh!" said Ignacio and Archen.
Just as they started to admire the majesty of the bones, a black-haired girl ran over to them. For some reason, she had bionic arms.
"Wow! The prehistoric Pokemon Archen! What a pleasure to see it! May I please borrow him so I can take a few...aah, tests?" asked the girl. She gently petted Archen, and he seemed to relax.
"Not if I cannot supervise the tests." said Shiro.
"Oh, okay! The more, the merrier! Say, I would like to have all of you come along so that I can learn more about Pokemon! I'm a new scientist, after all!" replied the girl.
"How... can she understand us?" stuttered Ignacio, in utter amazement.
"Oh, its simple!" gleefully said the girl. "Its all this technology stuff... whatever. I just want to learn more, now!"
"No." said Typhlosion, holding up his paw.
"No?" squeaked the girl, clearly surprised.
Typhlosion put his paw down, and glared at the girl.
"Only two Pokemon may go with you at one time. Its for safety." said Typhlosion.
The girl sighed.
"Fine, if you insist. Come on, Shiro and Archen, we have a lot to do!"
As Shiro and Archen followed the odd girl, Snivy raised an eyebrow.
"I'm no detective, but that seems... suspicious. How does she know Shiro and Archen's names? And why is she a cyborg?" growled Snivy.
"Hey everyone, we're back! Lets go challenge Lenora!" exclaimed two voices.
The Pokemon heard rapid running behind them, then the sensation of disappearing into their balls.
Hmm... thought Sylvie. I hate to admit it, but Snivy is right. Who is the girl, and why IS she a cyborg?
Sylvie looked through the pale, black plastic of her Luxury ball, enjoying the AC inside and other various perks included in the fancy Pokeball.
Just as the bumping on Lindsey's belt was already bad enough, a staircase to the gym came up.
Sylvie groaned as the jolts and jerks of Lindsey's rapid leg movement bounced her around like a Voltorb mistaken for a bouncy ball.
"Stop! Stop! Okay?!" exclaimed Sylvie, pawing at her ball crazily.
Snivy and Ignacio next to her shared her pain, clearly, shown by their disoriented faces and motion of clutching their bellies.
"Oh... my poffin..." groaned Ignacio, looking as if her bile was rising.
"Ugh... I hate this ritual..." moaned Snivy, clutching her belly as if she were about to have a bellyache.
Just as the worst bumping ensued, Lindsey got to the top and decided to sit down.
The balls rotating to make sure their balls weren't sat on, Sylvie saw nothing but a wooden bench.
"Zachary, solve all the puzzles ahead for me. I think all those Village Sandwiches and pancakes are getting to my tummy." moaned Lindsey.
"Aw, come on! Why do I have to do it?" grumbled Zachary, who was clearly face-palming.
A large growl came from outside, which either meant that a stressed Pokemon was nearby or that Zachary's belly was growling.
Clearly, it was the latter.
"Because. I'll get you some food at the restaurant next to the museum once we beat Lenora." said Lindsey.
Smart girl, thought Sylvie.
"Fine. Wait here. I'll send Arc- Wait, where is Archen? He's not in his Pokeball!" cried Zachary. "Ugh!"
Lindsey chuckled.
"I'm sure that Archen is outside playing with the wild Pokemon. Just send Typhlosion back so I can follow you, don't worry. I'm sure Shiro would be a good candidate."
Sylvie sighed as she heard Zachary rummage through his bag.
"I wish that humans understood us, because it hurts for us to know stuff they don't." muttered Sylvie.
When she was a little Pokemon, an Eevee with her sister, mother and father (named Sol, a Glaceon, killed by Team Plasma when they were testing his DNA) worshipping the life and destruction Pokemon, Ariel always reminded her to never, ever wish carelessly or bad things would happen. Sylvie didn't keep it in mind, although that rule was something she still believed in, for some reason.
"Argh!" cried Zachary. "Shiro isn't with me either!"
Lindsey seemed to roll her eyes.
"I'm sure Shiro might be in the Pinwheel Forest exploring somewhere. Relax, just go clear the pathway for me. Make sure that they don't see me sneak into the Gym." said Lindsey.
Zachary sighed.
"Yes, boss." he muttered sarcastically.
Sylvie sighed.
"Okay, everyone! Come on out and stretch your legs! Let's go train in the Pinwheel Forest!" said Lindsey.
A large finger groped down, and pressed the button on Sylvie's Luxury Ball. Immediately Sylvie popped out, bright light and all.
"Wow, the smell of fresh air." said Sylvie. Of course, it just sounded like "Syl-veon!" to Lindsey, but she still communicated a sense of happiness cross-species.
Snivy popped out, as cross as ever, from her Poke Ball.
"Ugh. Dust." grumbled Snivy.
In a last flash of light, Ignacio came out.
"Wow! Look at those meteors in the corner!" remarked Ignacio.
Lindsey smiled.
"Well, you three, I'm thinking of this place where Ignacio can use her Surf move.."
Lindsey didn't get to finish her sentence.
Three figures swooped down, glaring at them, and stood up from their three-legged position.
A girl swooped down in the middle, a black ribbon over her mouth and nose.
In horror, Sylvie realized she looked a lot like the scientist that took Shiro and Archen for testing.
The girl sneered.
"Ha! I have control over the legendaries Keldeo, Terrakion and a Spiritomb, along with your precious Shiro and Archen!" growled the girl.
"Liar! Bastard! Thief!" cried Sarah.
The girl sneered.
"For your information, my name is Ani." said the girl.
"Ani... why is that name so familiar?" wondered Lindsey.
"You took Shiro and Archen!" snarled Sylvie. "I will never forgive you!"
Lunging, Sylvie tried to bite Ani, but Ani slapped Sylvie away, and Sylvie yelped as something hit her.
"No! Sylvie! You're paralyzed!" said Lindsey.
"Hmph. My bionic limbs let off a field of static, paralyzing the Sylveon. Sadly, we are not after the rare Pokemon. We are after this... specimen." smirked Ani.
"Ciao, Lindsey and Zachary."
The three ninja-like men around her held up nozzles, and smoke sprayed out.
"Argh! The cliched smoke trick!" snarled Ignacio.
Sylvie heard the bulky Samurott run towards the spot where the thieves were, then heard her curse.
"Ugh...koff...Shiro...coff.." coughed Sylvie, running through the smoke.
It was too late.
The skull of the mighty skeleton was gone, and the guards were running around in a panic.
Just as the smoke cleared, Typhlosion ran back with a Basic Badge in his mouth.
"Look! Look! Zachary got a Basic Badge! He says that Lindsey can challenge the Nacrene Gym now!" said Typhlosion, but he was cut off by the sight of the missing skull.
"Hey. Did something happen?" he asked Ignacio.
Ignacio quickly explained everything as quickly as she could.
"This is NOT a good sign. It seems as if we should pursue them. I'm going to get Zachary." said Typhlosion.
Sylvie clenched her paws.
"I won't let Ani get away with this! She seems to be connected with Team Plasma somehow..." growled Sylvie.
Sarah put a paw on Sylvie's shaking shoulder.
"Calm down, sis, we'll get Shiro and Archen back. Heck, we don't even have proof that they have been captured to be 'on term' with Team Plasma!" soothed Sarah, stroking Sylvie.
Suddenly, a cold sensation came over Sylvie as she heard some cackling.
"Well, now you have proof." said a voice. "I am Dark Shiro, with Dark Keldeo, Dark Archen, Dark Kennedy and Dark Terrakion, and we are the Shadow Elite."
Author's Note: Ooh, the cliffhanger! How drastically hated by all! Sorry about the cliffhanger, its late right now. Okay, I hope you liked yet ANOTHER long chapter, so please enjoy the ongoing story!
"Hey, the Sylveons are still asleep!" said Zachary. "I wonder what would keep them up all night... Maybe the cries of the Sawk and Throh training in the forest?"
Lindsey grabbed Sylvie, and shook her.
"Wake up! We're challenging Lenora today!" said Lindsey.
"Don't shake me." muttered Sylvie, half-asleep.
"I have some Lavaridge cookies for you..."
Sylvie jolted awake, and started drooling.
"Lavaridge cookies? Where?" she exclaimed, her eyes wide open.
"Here! Have them for waking up!" said Lindsey.
She smiled, and threw Sylvie a cookie.
Sylvie wolfed it down, rubbing crumbs from her cheeks and grinning.
Meanwhile, Zachary vigorously shook Sarah.
"Wake up! I want to see the artifacts in the museum!" cried Zachary.
"I never knew you liked old things." said Lindsey.
Ignoring his traveling companion, Zachary took something out of his backpack, straightened his red cap, and waved a Mago berry.
"I have a tasty Mago berry, Sarah..." said Zachary.
"Zzzzzz." replied Sarah.
"Um... here is some Slow Makeup!" said Zachary, taking out a Poke-Makeup dish and sliding his Mago berry in his bag.
"Makeup? Give me it so I can look pretty!" said Sarah, jolting awake.
Sylvie chuckled as Zachary brushed on makeup on Sarah, making Sarah look more and more petite and stylish.
"Now that we're all awake, we're going to eat breakfast downstairs while you can go to the Nacrene Museum in advance!" said Lindsey cheerfully.
Typhlosion and Ignacio yawned, while Snivy and Oshawott cheered.
"Well, I guess we can see the infamous warehouses and railroad tracks then!" said Sylvie.
"I don't see the point of retro things. They're outdated, rusty, old..." muttered Sarah.
"Hey, Ms. Grouchy, cheer up! We'll have some time to enjoy some peace and quiet, okay?" replied Sylvie, nudging her.
"If you say so." grumbled Sarah, licking her leg to try to straighten her fur.
As the Pokemon went out the door one-by-one, Ignacio shook her head, beard swishing in the draft of the AC.
"I have a bad feeling that something will happen.." muttered Ignacio.
They ventured out into the streets, Ignacio and Typhlosion guarding the crowd of little Pokemon to make sure that no thieves or over-enthusiastic children could harm them.
Several Lillipups sniffed and wandered over to them, but one glare from Ignacio would send them away.
As they approached the museum, Sylvie smiled.
"Thanks, Ignacio and Typhlosion. Next time I approach a Castelia City crowd, I'll ask you two to come along." said Sylvie.
Ignacio winked, her steely cold expression she wore while battling or glaring peeled off like a banana.
"You're welcome, Sylvie. I like seeing Pokemon flee from me... too bad that this Hydreigon you talk about doesn't realize that its a pleasure few get to enjoy." sad Ignacio.
"Say, Ignacio, why were you named a boy's name if you're a girl?" asked Sarah, butting in.
Ignacio's cold steel face was applied on again.
"I do not know, twin of my friend, but do not ask me that... or feel the wrath of my claws." hissed Ignacio, glaring down at the small Sylveon.
"Okay, okay! Sheesh!" cried Sarah, backing away.
"Hello there, it seems as if a Pokemon group is visiting today! That will cost 1000 PokeDollars." said the girl at the door politely.
Typhlosion tossed her a thousand-dollar bill, flashing his pearly white fangs.
"You may enter! Remember, our security is top-notch, we guard our artifacts fiercely!" said the lady as the doors swung open for them.
To prove it, the lady snapped her fingers. Thousands of intricate lasers and security cameras popped up, disguised using Kecleon-esque technology.
"Woah! I would worry more about my skin than the artifacts!" exclaimed Oshawott, thumping his seashell.
"Don't worry. These lasers and security cameras are made to not harm human nor Pokemon alike." said Sylvie.
"Since when were you the nerd?" growled Snivy, her hands crossed.
Sylvie raised her eyebrows, if she had any over her blue eyes.
"Well, grinch, I listen to the tour guides going around Unova when I traveled as a wild Pokemon, thankyouverymuch." replied Sylvie, tossing her ribbons like it wasn't a big deal.
Snivy let out a large haarumph like Clay the Gym Leader, and rolled her eyes.
As they entered, Typhlosion's eyes lit up.
"Hey! Free Poffins!" he exclaimed.
"Can we have some?" exclaimed Shiro, his blue rings flashing.
Typhlosion chuckled.
"No, I'm eating them all!" said Typhlosion.
"Oh, come on! Some of us are hungry!" grumbled Archeops and Shiro in unison.
"Wow, you two are like Siamese Twins!" remarked Ignacio. "Inseparable emotions!"
Sylvie and Sarah glared at her as well as Ignacio herself could.
"Never mind about that. Still, you guys seem to be inseparable!" said Ignacio quickly, fidgeting.
Typhlosion watched their conversation as he indulged himself on Oran Berry Poffins, and sighed.
Reaching into the basket of poffins, he took a Persim Berry Poffin and gave it to Shiro. Shiro ate it like a Gulpin.
"Thanks, dude! Could you pass 'em out, if you were joking? ...At least, I take it that way..." said Shiro between huge bites.
"No worries, I was joking. Who's ready for a Poffin feast?" said Typhlosion, giving Shiro a noogie.
"Hey!" said Archen, clawing Typhlosion.
Ignacio glared at the Pokemon.
"You know, he still could take away your share..." said Ignacio.
She didn't need to say any more.
"Okay, okay! Sorry!" said Archen.
Ignacio smiled.
"That's more like it."
After everyone finished their Poffins, Sylvie took the opportunity to show off what she knew.
"So, this is the skeleton of a Pokemon that flew around the world! It resembles a Dragonite for some reason..." said Sylvie as they approached a giant skeleton propped up on metal tubes.
"Ooh!" said Ignacio and Archen.
Just as they started to admire the majesty of the bones, a black-haired girl ran over to them. For some reason, she had bionic arms.
"Wow! The prehistoric Pokemon Archen! What a pleasure to see it! May I please borrow him so I can take a few...aah, tests?" asked the girl. She gently petted Archen, and he seemed to relax.
"Not if I cannot supervise the tests." said Shiro.
"Oh, okay! The more, the merrier! Say, I would like to have all of you come along so that I can learn more about Pokemon! I'm a new scientist, after all!" replied the girl.
"How... can she understand us?" stuttered Ignacio, in utter amazement.
"Oh, its simple!" gleefully said the girl. "Its all this technology stuff... whatever. I just want to learn more, now!"
"No." said Typhlosion, holding up his paw.
"No?" squeaked the girl, clearly surprised.
Typhlosion put his paw down, and glared at the girl.
"Only two Pokemon may go with you at one time. Its for safety." said Typhlosion.
The girl sighed.
"Fine, if you insist. Come on, Shiro and Archen, we have a lot to do!"
As Shiro and Archen followed the odd girl, Snivy raised an eyebrow.
"I'm no detective, but that seems... suspicious. How does she know Shiro and Archen's names? And why is she a cyborg?" growled Snivy.
"Hey everyone, we're back! Lets go challenge Lenora!" exclaimed two voices.
The Pokemon heard rapid running behind them, then the sensation of disappearing into their balls.
Hmm... thought Sylvie. I hate to admit it, but Snivy is right. Who is the girl, and why IS she a cyborg?
Sylvie looked through the pale, black plastic of her Luxury ball, enjoying the AC inside and other various perks included in the fancy Pokeball.
Just as the bumping on Lindsey's belt was already bad enough, a staircase to the gym came up.
Sylvie groaned as the jolts and jerks of Lindsey's rapid leg movement bounced her around like a Voltorb mistaken for a bouncy ball.
"Stop! Stop! Okay?!" exclaimed Sylvie, pawing at her ball crazily.
Snivy and Ignacio next to her shared her pain, clearly, shown by their disoriented faces and motion of clutching their bellies.
"Oh... my poffin..." groaned Ignacio, looking as if her bile was rising.
"Ugh... I hate this ritual..." moaned Snivy, clutching her belly as if she were about to have a bellyache.
Just as the worst bumping ensued, Lindsey got to the top and decided to sit down.
The balls rotating to make sure their balls weren't sat on, Sylvie saw nothing but a wooden bench.
"Zachary, solve all the puzzles ahead for me. I think all those Village Sandwiches and pancakes are getting to my tummy." moaned Lindsey.
"Aw, come on! Why do I have to do it?" grumbled Zachary, who was clearly face-palming.
A large growl came from outside, which either meant that a stressed Pokemon was nearby or that Zachary's belly was growling.
Clearly, it was the latter.
"Because. I'll get you some food at the restaurant next to the museum once we beat Lenora." said Lindsey.
Smart girl, thought Sylvie.
"Fine. Wait here. I'll send Arc- Wait, where is Archen? He's not in his Pokeball!" cried Zachary. "Ugh!"
Lindsey chuckled.
"I'm sure that Archen is outside playing with the wild Pokemon. Just send Typhlosion back so I can follow you, don't worry. I'm sure Shiro would be a good candidate."
Sylvie sighed as she heard Zachary rummage through his bag.
"I wish that humans understood us, because it hurts for us to know stuff they don't." muttered Sylvie.
When she was a little Pokemon, an Eevee with her sister, mother and father (named Sol, a Glaceon, killed by Team Plasma when they were testing his DNA) worshipping the life and destruction Pokemon, Ariel always reminded her to never, ever wish carelessly or bad things would happen. Sylvie didn't keep it in mind, although that rule was something she still believed in, for some reason.
"Argh!" cried Zachary. "Shiro isn't with me either!"
Lindsey seemed to roll her eyes.
"I'm sure Shiro might be in the Pinwheel Forest exploring somewhere. Relax, just go clear the pathway for me. Make sure that they don't see me sneak into the Gym." said Lindsey.
Zachary sighed.
"Yes, boss." he muttered sarcastically.
Sylvie sighed.
"Okay, everyone! Come on out and stretch your legs! Let's go train in the Pinwheel Forest!" said Lindsey.
A large finger groped down, and pressed the button on Sylvie's Luxury Ball. Immediately Sylvie popped out, bright light and all.
"Wow, the smell of fresh air." said Sylvie. Of course, it just sounded like "Syl-veon!" to Lindsey, but she still communicated a sense of happiness cross-species.
Snivy popped out, as cross as ever, from her Poke Ball.
"Ugh. Dust." grumbled Snivy.
In a last flash of light, Ignacio came out.
"Wow! Look at those meteors in the corner!" remarked Ignacio.
Lindsey smiled.
"Well, you three, I'm thinking of this place where Ignacio can use her Surf move.."
Lindsey didn't get to finish her sentence.
Three figures swooped down, glaring at them, and stood up from their three-legged position.
A girl swooped down in the middle, a black ribbon over her mouth and nose.
In horror, Sylvie realized she looked a lot like the scientist that took Shiro and Archen for testing.
The girl sneered.
"Ha! I have control over the legendaries Keldeo, Terrakion and a Spiritomb, along with your precious Shiro and Archen!" growled the girl.
"Liar! Bastard! Thief!" cried Sarah.
The girl sneered.
"For your information, my name is Ani." said the girl.
"Ani... why is that name so familiar?" wondered Lindsey.
"You took Shiro and Archen!" snarled Sylvie. "I will never forgive you!"
Lunging, Sylvie tried to bite Ani, but Ani slapped Sylvie away, and Sylvie yelped as something hit her.
"No! Sylvie! You're paralyzed!" said Lindsey.
"Hmph. My bionic limbs let off a field of static, paralyzing the Sylveon. Sadly, we are not after the rare Pokemon. We are after this... specimen." smirked Ani.
"Ciao, Lindsey and Zachary."
The three ninja-like men around her held up nozzles, and smoke sprayed out.
"Argh! The cliched smoke trick!" snarled Ignacio.
Sylvie heard the bulky Samurott run towards the spot where the thieves were, then heard her curse.
"Ugh...koff...Shiro...coff.." coughed Sylvie, running through the smoke.
It was too late.
The skull of the mighty skeleton was gone, and the guards were running around in a panic.
Just as the smoke cleared, Typhlosion ran back with a Basic Badge in his mouth.
"Look! Look! Zachary got a Basic Badge! He says that Lindsey can challenge the Nacrene Gym now!" said Typhlosion, but he was cut off by the sight of the missing skull.
"Hey. Did something happen?" he asked Ignacio.
Ignacio quickly explained everything as quickly as she could.
"This is NOT a good sign. It seems as if we should pursue them. I'm going to get Zachary." said Typhlosion.
Sylvie clenched her paws.
"I won't let Ani get away with this! She seems to be connected with Team Plasma somehow..." growled Sylvie.
Sarah put a paw on Sylvie's shaking shoulder.
"Calm down, sis, we'll get Shiro and Archen back. Heck, we don't even have proof that they have been captured to be 'on term' with Team Plasma!" soothed Sarah, stroking Sylvie.
Suddenly, a cold sensation came over Sylvie as she heard some cackling.
"Well, now you have proof." said a voice. "I am Dark Shiro, with Dark Keldeo, Dark Archen, Dark Kennedy and Dark Terrakion, and we are the Shadow Elite."
Author's Note: Ooh, the cliffhanger! How drastically hated by all! Sorry about the cliffhanger, its late right now. Okay, I hope you liked yet ANOTHER long chapter, so please enjoy the ongoing story!
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