Sylvie: Female Sylveon. Owned by Lindsey. Wears seashell necklace.
Sarah: Female Sylveon. Owned by Zachary. Wears seashell necklace.
Typhlosion:Male Typhlosion. Owned by Zachary.
Archeops: Male Archeops. Owned by Zachary.
Samuel: Male Oshawott. Owned by Zachary.

Servine: Female Servine. Owned by Lindsey.

Shiro: Male shiny Umbreon Owned by Zachary.
Ignacio: Formely wild female Samurott. Owned by Lindsey.
Plasmic: Male Pidgeotto. Owned by Ani.
Koro: Male Tepig. Owned by Ani.

Espeon: Female Espeon. Owned by Lindsey. Ampharos92.
Scarlet: Female Sceptile. Owned by Ani.
Kennedy: Female Spiritomb. Once a Town Pokemon, now owned by Ani.
Ninetales: Female Ninetales. Owned by Sandy. Related to Veronica.
Seismitoad: Male Seismitoad. Owned by Locke.
Flygon: Male Flygon. Owned by Locke.
Minerva: Female Trubbish. Owned by Locke.
Kale: Male Weezing. Owned by Sandy.
Ariel: Female Vaporeon. Mother of Sylvie and Sabrina. Owned by Sandy.
Sandy: Female Plasma thug. Owns a Ninetales, Weezing and Ariel.
Locke: Male Plasma thug. Owns a Seismitoad, Flygon and Minerva.
Laura: Female Leafeon. Friend of Sylvie. Loyal to Team Plasma but not owned by any of their grunts.
Town Pokemon:
Hiku: Leader of the Wild Tribe. Female Snorlax
Carracosta: Male Carracosta
Shelly: Female Sentret.
Lillias: Female Flebebe. Deputy leader.
Maxwell: Male Vanilluxe.
Afro: Male Gurdurr. Owns a barber shop.
Pecos: Male Mothim.
Gerald: Male Growlithe.
Alden: Female Seviper.
Hannah: Female Gastly.
Anelia: Female Genesect. Lumberjack.
Connor: Male Eevee. Wears Houndoom-tooth necklace.
Shadow: Male shiny Umbreon. Bully.
Kangaskhan: Male Kangaskhan. Teacher.
Leafeon: Male Leafeon. Student.
Espeon. Female Espeon. Student.
Flareon: Male Flareon. Student.
Jolteon: Female Jolteon. Student.
Glaceon: Male Glaceon. Student.
Veronica: Female Vulpix. Student.
Gallade: Male Gallade. Butcher.
Gardevoir: Female Gardevoir. Supermodel.
Chansey: Male Chansey. Nurse.
Azurill: Female Azurill. Doctor.
Alomomola: Male Alomomola. Nurse.
Sunflora: Female Sunflora. Florist.
Charizard. Male Charizard. Airlines travel.
Eelektross: Female Eelektross. Electricity line worker.
Klingklang: Genderless Klingklang. Plumber.
Fearow: Male Fearow. Airlines travel.
Wailord: Female Wailord. Water travel.
Hydreigon: Male Hydreigon. Blabbermouth. Perry4464
Serperior: Female Serperior. Fortuneteller. Perry4464
Munna: Female Munna. Psychologist.
Seka: Male Meinshao. Defender of the town.
Keek: Male Crawdaunt. Defender of the town.
Tat: Male Golduck. Defender of the town.
Gyro: Male Gyarados. Defender of the town.
Storm: Male Jolteon. Defendor of town. Crush on Espeon. Ampharos92
Sonik: Male Lucario. Defender of the town.
Ceros: Male Rapidash. Mailman.
Leketo: Female Ponyta. Junior mailman.
Gidney: Female Gardevoir. Town ambassador.
Dara: Male Darmanitan. Police officer.
Erosa: Female Roselia. Police officer.
Weila: Female Woobat. Treasure hunter.
SYSTEM_GENESECT: Ex-Team Plasma prototype project. Is Porygon Z v.10 that can control any dead or cloned Pokemon through digital technology. Male Genesect.
Kyurem: Legendary dragon, lives in Giant Chasm. Male Kyurem.
Reshiram: Legendary dragon, in Nacrene Museum. Female Reshiram.
Zekrom: Legendary dragon, in Dragonspiral Tower. Male Zekrom.
Cody: Muskedeer leader. Male Cobalion. In Mistralton Cave.
Viri: Muskedeer acrobat. Female Virizion. In Pinwheel Forest.
Terra: Muskedeer muscle. Male Terrakion. In Victory Road.
Vic: Victory Pokemon that likes to follow Lindsey around. Female Victini. Anywhere near Lindsey.
Melody: Singing Pokemon. Female Meloetta. Constantly changes forms and sings the Pokemon to sleep every night.
Geni: Robot Pokemon. With Team Plasma but isn't exactly loyal to them. Genderless Genesect.
Toto: Male Tornadus. Roams Unova.
Thunder: Male Thundrus. Roams Unova.
Land: Male Landorous. Roams Unova helping farmers.
Ace: Female Tailow. Owned by Perry4464
Can a character i make be owned by Lindsey? The character's name will be Storm.
ReplyDeleteUm, describe her/him please? Yes, its possible, but this is the ONLY exception I will make because Lindsey needs to not be too overpowered. I mean, she has a LEVEL 80 SAMUROTT, AND A LEVEL 50 SYLVEON! So, yes, but please describe Storm first.