Sylvie Sylveon here! The legendaries of Unova foretell of a time where me and my twin, Sarah, save Unova and Kalos from the forces of opinions and balance... and its happening now, apparently. Follow our adventures in three books of approximately 30-40 chapters each throughout the two "modern" regions, and don't forget to train your Pokemon for the upcoming battle against the evil within the world of Pokemon... SIGN YOUR POKEMON UP FOR THE ADVENTURE TODAY! LET THEM SEE THE GLORIOUS ADVENTURES OF SYLVIE AND SARAH!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Chapter 3: Preparing for Striaton

When Lindsey was sleeping in the Lilligant Hotel in Accumula Town, she let Sylvie and Snivy out. Zachary let out his Oshawott, Sarah and Archen (he had that Pokemon as his 8th Birthday gift) so they could also play in the Pokemon playroom downstairs from their room.
While Sylvie got to know the others, Snivy sulked in a corner, playing chess with a Golduck and eating Leppa berries. Sarah attempted to get Snivy to spar with them, but Snivy wouldn't budge from her dark corner.
"Whee!" cried a Hydreigon, flying in the air tunnel above them.
Sarah and Sylvie looked up, wondering who the heck would sound so cheerful.
"Hello, rare Pokemon! My name is Hydreigon! What is your name?"
Before Sarah and Sylvie could even open their mouths, Hydreigon hooted with laughter and resumed talk.
"Oh, you are quiet ones! Well, I love to talk! Do you love to talk? Well, I guess you don't! Too bad you can't fly, because this tunnel is reaaaaaaaaaaallly rad! Hoo hoo! I mean, the currents are SOOO hi-tech, and they give me a good workout! Say, you two seem a little on the skinny side, want to eat broiled Pikachu with me? Oh, I forgot, timid Pokemon like you eat berries! Well, eat fatty berries so you don't have to be as skinny as a rail! And why are you pink, by the way? Thats a redundant color! And what region do you come from? Pinklos? Hoo hoo!"
Archen prodded them in the side with his claws as Hydreigon chatted away.
"Don't listen to him, he always talks his head off. I wonder why he's here, he is supposed to be in Munna's office right now!" whispered the Archen.
"Wait, Pokemon can be civilized?" said Sylvie, raising an eyebrow.
Archen smiled.
"You two, you're so funny! There is a town Pokemon live in just outside Accumula Town! In fact, I'll show you it!" 
Before the Sylveons could comprehend what was happening, Archen hauled them like prize Miltanks out the hotel and into the thick woods.

Just when getting prodded by curious Ferrothorns and Slakings was getting annoying, the thick grass stopped and a sand path opened up, leading into a group of brick buildings.
Two Pokemon were guarding the gates, both intimidating. There was a gargantuan Serperior and a rusty Klingklang, talking to each other in boredom.
When they saw Archen, they forced out grins.
"Why, hello, Archen, you're here again. My my, you've brought friends with you!" clanked the Klingklang, spinning like a top.
"Clearance given. You may enter Tao Town, Archen. Your friends may also enter." growled the Serperior.
Just when they stepped through the yawning steel gates, Serperior screeched.
"What?" screeched the Klingklang in panic.
Serperior clutched her head.
"I... feel something. Let me see both Sylveons!"
Sylvie and Sarah darted in front of her, eyes wide.
Suddenly, her eyes glowed blue, emitting a creepy aura.
"Sylvie and Sarah... I sense you have a dark path in front of you. The legendaries are once more clashing, despite being frozen in stone. Seek out the wrongly named Samurott for more information...."
Serperior collapsed, and Klinklang hurried over to her.
Archen screeched an odd cry, and immediately a Charizard flew down with an Azurill on top.
Lifting up Serperior, they flew off to a tall building with a medical cross emblemed on it.
"Will Serperior be fine?" asked Sylvie, nervously.
Klingklang nodded sternly.
After that, the only chatting was Archen showing them around. 

Once they saw all of the little houses and buildings, they had seen it all. Just when they were thinking this, Chatots started to cry out like roosters.
"Its dawn! Get back to the hotel before Zachary and Lindsey think we've been stolen!" panicked Archen. 
As he spoke, Sylvie and Sarah bounded over rocks and trees nimbly to get home, Archen trailing behind crying "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaait!" in desperation at their sudden departure.
Author's Note: Serperior and Hydreigon belong to Perry4464. Be sure to sign up before they get too far into Unova!


  1. Thanks for my characters! Another fact about Hydreigon, he seems intimidating with his appearance and such, and most Pokémon run away from him at first sight, but he's really a funny and happy guy. He also has a crush on Serperior.

    1. Hmm, I think I can use that to my advantage! Thanks for telling me!
