The horn on the ship blared, and the grimy workers onboard threw the rope to the awaiting man on shore, tethering the rope to the dock. The sun's rays beat down on the island, for it was the top tourist attraction : Liberty Island.
Sylvie rolled her eyes and elbowed her twin sister.
"Seriously, Sarah, calm down. A rare Pokemon like Victini wouldn't show up for normal Pokemon like us." assured Sylvie.
Shiro's blue rings glowed, and he smiled at them.
"Hey, at least we can see if we can spot rare Pokemon! Maybe even see Goldesem!" suggested the shiny Umbreon.
"Or maybe evolve myself into Servine." growled Snivy.
"Or maybe find a good mate." sighed Dewott.
"Or maybe hone my psychokinesis." muttered Espeon.
"Perhaps, fight this Victini guy." said Ignacio.
"Or set something on fire." added Typhlosion.
"Or find a fossil." chirped Archen.
"Guys, stop. You're going to make me vomit." snarled Sylvie.
"Sorry." they chimed in unison.
As they got off the boat, however, laughing and giddy....
"WARNING! WARNING!" beeped a nearby alarm. "Intruders have penetrated defenses and are inside the lighthouse basement!"
Zachary tensed.
"Team Plasma?!" cried the male Trainer.
"Yes. In fact, you're spot-on. Have a cookie?" muttered a nearby voice.
They turned.... and saw N.
"Hey there, peeps!" smiled the green-haired teenager.
"N! I haven't seen you since Accmula Town!" yelped Lindsey.
"Sorry for being so cryptic, I like big entrances. I saw some Team Plasma goons over there, why don't you bust their butts?" suggested N, as calm as a lake. He pointed over by the lighthouse.
"Sure!" said Zachary before Lindsey could reply. "I want to get my Pokemon powerful! Right, everyone?"
His Pokemon murmured in agreement.
N smiled cooly.
"Well, peeps, think about your ideals... And seek the truth with vigorous strength..."
With a wave of his cap, he vanished.... somehow.
"That guy is... weird." muttered Lindsey after a short pause.
Suddenly, Ignacio tensed.
"I sense the aura of a rare Pokemon... Many, in fact.." growled the bulky Samurott.
Suddenly, from underneath a bush, apparently oblivious to the invasion of Team Plasma... several small Orkit appeared.
Three came out of the bush, with large, dragon-like front paws and cute, fluffy fur. They ran in circles, oftentimes tripping over their oversized feet.
"Aw... so cute." cooed Sarah.
Suddenly, hearing Sarah's coo, they quickly fled into the bushes, whimpering.
"You scared them, Sarah!" scolded Sylvie.
Suddenly, the bushes rustled even more, and a large, clawed Pokemon burst out.
"GRAAAAAAAH!" shrieked the beast.
"Mommy Orcalot! Water and Steel type, evolution of Orkit!" whimpered Espeon. "RUN!"
Nobody had to hear her, as the Orcalot started to roar fearsomely and shoot Steel-type, Ground-Type and Water-Type attacks all around, enough power to overwhelm most Pokemon.
Suddenly... a large net fell from the sky, and clenched its fists over Orcalot. The Orkit in the bushes, while unseen, seemed to quiver in fear.
"RARRRRARRRRRRR!" bellowed the beast.
"Heh... You, m' friend, will serve a good term under Team Plasma. Now, rest, and fall to the darkness." muttered a voice.
Sylvie turned her head... and saw a Team Plasma goon leaning over them.
Suddenly, the net emanated darkness, and a veil of shadow overcame Orcalot.
When the veil settled... Orcalot was now Shadow Orcalot.
"Yaaaaack! Team Plasma is way too abusive of their Dark Crystal technologies!" yelped Ignacio.
Too late.
With a single swipe of her arm, Orcalot knocked Ignacio into the air and right into Lindsey.
"Ouch! That hurts, ya!" complained the brown-haired girl as she was pinned to the pavement by a dazed samurott.
“Heh." snickered the voice once more.
Out of the bushes rose a grunt, dressed in thin grey robes. In his palm, he clasped a sliver of a jewel so lethal it could create Soul Eaters and Eternal Flames in a heartbeat and seal off the soul of a Pokemon without much struggling - the Dark Crystal.
"I hate to dispose of the Sylveons our Lord wants... but we have a mission to complete. Assist Shadow Orcalot, Pawniard!" growled the grunt.
Out of a shadow Pokeball, Pawniard appeared and hissed. It wasn't shadow, but it was in a Dark Ball... huh?
Then, Sylvie remembered Pawniard was a vicious Dark-type, so there was no need to seal its heart. Silly Sylvie.
"I'm on term with Team Plasma, so don't expect any sort of betrayal. I don't want to lose all my emotions if I rebel!" growled Pawniard.
"We won't let you do whatever malice you're planning to do!" bravely decreed Lindsey. "Espeon, use Psychic!"
"Yah!" grunted Espeon. Her forehead jewel glowed, and a focused blast of psychokinetic energies came out.
Somehow, the Grunt deflected the blow with his sleeve, and it hit Espeon right back, sending her right onto Lindsey, who was still trying to get up from under Ignacio.
Pawniard leapt onto Espeon with a single flick of its leg, and dug its blades into her chest. Blood spurted out, and Espeon struggled to break free.
"Huck... ugh..." muttered Espeon.
"Espeon, return! I'll fix you up later, hang in there! Ignacio, use Blizzard to freeze Pawniard in place! Sylvie, use your feelers to try to pacify it as Ignacio uses Blizzard!" cried Lindsey.
A red light burst out of Espeon's ball, and the bloodied Pokemon vanished from sight.
"Blood! Gore! Pizza!" growled Pawniard.
Ignacio unsheathed a blade from its leg, and used it as a cane to get up from lying on Lindsey helplessly, and started to charge up Blizzard.
"Sigh... I still can't believe I never knew this tactic..." muttered Sylvie.
"?" grunted Pawniard.
A soothing aura emanated from Sylvie's ribbons, calming the battlers. Snivy, who was tensed up from not getting any orders, sighed and went over to the cowering Orkit to sooth them. Dewott, whose scallops were bristling for battle, were set down and used as a pillow for a catnap. The Orkit eased and let Snivy feed them Pecha berries. Sarah joined in, and for a moment the conflict over by the lighthouse was muffled. The boat started to leave, despite previously calling for help and staying put.
"Cool move." remarked Zachary.
Suddenly, yellow dots danced in Sylvie's vision, and she buckled. The aura dissolved, and Sarah ceased her work.
Sylvie turned her head, and saw Pawniard on his side, frozen in a block of ice.
"Neat work, Ignacio." said Typhlosion.
They did a bro-fist.
"Guys! We need to stop Team Plasma ASAP! I have a suspicion they want to use Victini for something vile..." yelped Sylvie, breaking up the happiness (unfortunately)
Most of their trainers' Pokemon were withdrawn to make things more efficent, but both Sarah and Sylvie were left on the field just in case a Pokemon was in need of being subdued. According to Ignacio, the Sylveon's auras calmed Pawniard so it was the perfect target. In that case, Sylvie didn't want to accidentially make Victini a target. Shadow Orcalot had vanished after its ally fell to the opposition, but seemed to be able to take care of its children okay, so they left it be.
On the warm waves, Blophin leapt out the water and did tricks, avoiding the Frillish they stole Basculin from. A lone Lunupine crept along the sidewalk, wondering where the full moon was.
All too peaceful. All too quiet.
Above, the storm seemed to have left, but Sylvie still had the creepy feeling Zekrom was coming for her, angry that its enemy already chose a "successor". Sure, Zekrom was still a stone, but legendary Pokemon were unpredictably powerful. Even in its deep slumber, Zekrom could summon a storm to consume its foes with the snap of its claws.
Suddenly, they came across a sign that said "DO NOT ENTER. STAFF ONLY AREA." It was charred, with some Patrat bite marks on it. The door to the basement behind it was flung open, and the sounds of a scuffle were resonating off the walls.
"Great. They beat us to the catch." grumbled Zachary.
Lindsey elbowed the poor Trainer, and he yelped.
"R-right." he whimpered. "Team Plasma doesn't stand a chance to our might."
Lindsey grinned.
"That's more like it."
Suddenly, a wisp of flame floated out, and landed right on the sign. Immediately, a bonfire lit up the sign, and the two Sylveons and Trainers scrambled away.
When the flames died down, a message was carved into the sign.
Instead of human words, though, a large letter in the shape of Victini's ears were in there.
"Huff. Huff. Huff. Pant pant pant."
Those were the only things Sylvie heard as they ran down the slippery, gunky stairs to the basement. Once in a while, a stray Woobat or Patrat would attack, but Sarah quickly defeated them with a shrill Moonblast.
The lightbulbs on the ceiling swung in harmony, making the journey even more memserizing. The square of light above slowly shrank to the size of a postage stamp, then was nonexistent in their vision. All of their ligh came from the lightbulbs and some Tynamo wafting around.
Suddenly, a door appeared in front of them, bolted firmly on the concrete wall.
Lindsey just kicked it open with a karate kick.
Inside, an enormous Dark Crystal was being held up by the grunt they met earlier, its dark fumes reaching out for Victini, as serpentine as serpentine could be. Victini was flying in circles, trying desperately to evade the fumes, but to not much avail.
"I would be pleased to poison the Creator, Arceus... but alas, Arceus is native to Sinnoh, and rarely travels to Unova. Besides, controlling an everlasting, unlimited energy source that can purify the Shadow is even better than Shadow Celebi!" growled the grunt, oblivious to the arrival of the party-crashers.
Sylvie immediately used Swift, shooting the grunt with a stream of stars. They popped on him, blasting him into the wall, and sending the crystal flying. It smashed into a million pieces on the ceiling.
The grunt sneered, despite being gravely blood-soaked and without the Dark Crystal.
"A distraction..." he hoarsely growled. "Meloetta... Then the Light Stone... We shall win..."
Sylvie had no idea what Meloetta was, but Sarah's face went pale.
"Oh noes..."
In a flash of light, the grunt teleported out. Victini calmed, and sat down on its bed in the room.
Just then, Sylvie noticed that Victini was.... shiny!
The fur of Victini glimmered in the dim light, its white fur as soft as a Mareep's. Sylvie curled her feelers around it, and felt a warm sensation go through her.
She saw a faint glow surround her for a moment, then it subsided.
"Hey, thanks! That human was harassing me so much, I swear that they wanted to chop my wings off!" squeaked the Victini. She flapped her wings delicately, and licked herself.
"Um.... what's your name?" asked Shiro.
Victini fluttered over to the shiny Umbreon, and poked his forehead. For a moment, his rings glowed... then it subsided, yet again. Was this Victini's power of giving energy to the Pokemon it touched?
"Oh, really? My name is Vic, and apparently, if you haven't noticed, I'm shiny!"
Author's Note: Sorry about dat, I forgot about posting for a month! >.< Next up: We challenge Burgh's gym, and find the Claymore within Castelia Sewers! Yes, I molded Black and White 2 together, sorry! Also, spoilers abound: Sylvie and Sarah aren't the Sylveons that will journey through Kalos.
And this is how Shadow Victini would look, full credit to GAMErGIrL for the sprite she made for her shop.